Premium carbon credits for solar empowerment

Project Presentation Namene provides affordable, reliable, everyday devices to low-income, off-grid families – harnessing clean technology to transform lives. Their high-quality solar lights are subsidised through the sale of Gold Standard Verified Emissions Reductions (VERs), allowing them to bring clean lighting to underserved households in Africa at up to 70% off on retail value. Each … Continued

Jeunesse Sahélienne pour l’Action Climatique

Project presentation As part of the AU-EU Youth Cooperation Hub, under the Environment Preservation and Climate Change Cluster, the Jeunesse Sahélienne pour l’Action Climatique (JESAC) is a youth empowerment for climate justice project in Niger and Burkina Faso. In the context of the Great Green Wall Initiative, this innovative agroforestry project was developed involving local … Continued

The Climate Fund for Nature

Project presentation Announced in December 2022 at the COP15 in Montréal, the Climate Fund for Nature has been initiated by KERING and L’OCCITANE Group to scale-up investment in nature-based solutions, so the world can meet its climate change, biodiversity, and land degradation targets. To date, the Fund combines ambitious commitments, totaling €140m out of a … Continued

« Madini » Minerais pour la paix

Project presentation The Madini project uses conflict management interventions and improvements in mining governance in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to secure access to critical minerals, while simultaneously ensuring these key minerals are exploited responsibly. The project thus contributes to the stability and economic development of the mining areas, creating a win-win situation … Continued

Tizeti community WiFi, powered by Eutelsat.

Project presentation Low broadband in Nigeria reaches less than 44% mobile and 2% fixed internet penetration out of a population of 200 million. This project leverages satellite broadband infrastructure from Eutelsat and Tizeti’s community Wi-Fi management platform to deliver a fast and affordable public Wi-Fi hotspot service in underserved areas in Nigeria. The project seeks … Continued

Investment mining opportunies in Africa

Project presentation Evaluating investment mining opportunities in Africa is part of the project AfricaMaVal “Building EU-Africa partnerships on sustainable raw materials value chain” founded by the European Union for three years. The AfricaMaVal project aims to develop an EU-Africa partnership that ensures a responsible supply of mineral resources for European industry while guaranteeing sustainable local … Continued

Allies for the Amazon

Project presentation Several examples have proved that promoting Indigenous governance is beneficial to reduce biodiversity loss. Although COP15 increased recognition about the contribution of indigenous communities to conservation, there is still much to advance. “Allies for the Amazon”, implemented by SPDA in the Amazonian regions of Madre de Dios and Loreto has proved to be … Continued

Connecting the Global South with AST-GS1

2023-24 Scale-up project   Project presentation Astralintu’s equatorial ground station, AST-GS1, has been operational since May 2023, forming the foundation of its Equatorial Ground Station Network (EGSN). It serves as a reliable communication bridge between satellites and end-users, supporting research and education. This achievement is a crucial step towards its goal of bringing space to … Continued

An Inclusive Approach to the Space Economy

2023-24 Scale-up project   Project presentation Non-spacefaring nations or early-stage spacefaring nations are often encouraged to invest in outer space with no realistic pathway to generate returns. In addition, nations often prioritize space projects that promote national pride or prestige, but at the expense of addressing sovereign needs and economic development. In theory, space is … Continued

Chapultepec Forest Environmental Transcendence

Project presentation Chapultepec Forest, spanning 866 ha, holds great environmental significance in Mexico City, one of the most polluted and populated metropolis of the world. Chapultepec plays a crucial role in improving the air quality, provides green spaces and supports an immense biodiversity. Besides, Chapultepec has an enormous social importance, considering the 22 million visitors … Continued