Chapultepec Forest Environmental Transcendence

Project presentation Chapultepec Forest, spanning 866 ha, holds great environmental significance in Mexico City, one of the most polluted and populated metropolis of the world. Chapultepec plays a crucial role in improving the air quality, provides green spaces and supports an immense biodiversity. Besides, Chapultepec has an enormous social importance, considering the 22 million visitors … Continued

Biodiversity Conservation in Our Neighborhood

Project presentation Biodiversity Conservation in Our Neighborhoods (BCON) is an approach that encourages the protection of biodiversity in people’s daily lives and activities. Target : all people. Long-term goal: to foster the awareness of “nature around us” and promote harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. Results so far: · The Community Conservation Areas (CCAfa) Initiative … Continued

WHO Human Genome Editing Framework: a new model of governance

Photo: World Health Organization, Uganda Office Project presentation WHO is developing a model for regional implementation of a global governance framework for human genome editing (HGE). A regional approach brings together diverse communities and resources to build capacity to harness the benefits of human genome editing while managing the risks. By working regionally, countries can … Continued

Reserva Mato da Onça: forêts pour l’avenir

Project presentation The Mato da Onça Reserve is a private conservation unit, created in 2014 with the aim of urgently conserving the flora and fauna of the caatinga (a semi-arid biome exclusive to Brazil with only 2% of its protected area) in Baixo São Francisco. The general objective is to preserve the DNA of the … Continued

A just transition in Arctic mining

Project presentation Critical Raw Materials (CRM) are necessary for the green transition as well as for our security. It is in the Arctic region where we can find the most peaceful, stable, environmental and transparent mining opportunities. Therefore, the Arctic Economic Council (AEC) is gathering stakeholders from both inside and outside the region to map … Continued

Epidemic Intelligence from Open Sources

The WHO-led Epidemic Intelligence from Open Sources (EIOS) initiative is WHO’s main vehicle for building a strong public health intelligence community of practice, as well as multidisciplinary networks and solutions to support it, by jointly addressing evolving community, capacity and technology needs. Established at the end of 2017, the EIOS initiative currently builds and supports … Continued

Sustainable Norms of Behavior in Space

The absence of reliable data and a clear picture of the disruptions current operators will face as a result of the unrestrained expansion of activities and objects in space has severely hindered progress toward developing norms of behavior for space traffic management. This project seeks to fill that gap by developing a model that can … Continued

EU-IGAD COVID-19 Response programme

The regional programme is mitigating the health and socioeconomic impact of COVID-19 in critical cross-border areas across Ethiopia, Djibouti, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan and Uganda through a coordinated, multi-sectoral response. Active across 55 sites in 7 countries, the EU-funded project is delivering medical supplies and equipment while working to enhance regional capacity to coordinate … Continued

Youth Climate Conclave (YCC)

In a quest of working toward youth, the Delegation of the European Union to India with GIZ, CEEW and TERI launched the Youth Climate Conclave (YCC) in 2019. YCC was envisaged as a competitive and educative mode of action, wherein youth from across the country were invited to join hands to address climate change issues. … Continued

Traditional knowledge and global impact

Indigenous peoples possess valuable traditional knowledge that needs to be protected. To date, Peru has only registered knowledge corresponding to less than 1% of the communities. At SPDA we seek to reduce this gap and strengthen the promotion of authorized use of traditional knowledge associated with biodiversity both at a global and national level. A … Continued