
Project presentation The ongoing conflict and resulting instability across Yemen have exacerbated pre-existing challenges to the rule of law and the administration of justice, of which citizens bear the brunt. All parties to the conflict have undermined the rule of law. This has led many citizens to believe in primitive ways to assert their violated … Continued

« Madini » Minerais pour la paix

Project presentation The Madini project uses conflict management interventions and improvements in mining governance in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to secure access to critical minerals, while simultaneously ensuring these key minerals are exploited responsibly. The project thus contributes to the stability and economic development of the mining areas, creating a win-win situation … Continued

Knockout: do not give up

2023-24 Scale-up project   Project presentation Knockout, implemented by VIRAL, the World Boxing Council and the Reconciliation Foundation is a tertiary prevention model implemented in prisons of different states of Mexico and Argentina that seeks, through the practice of boxing and emotional care, to contribute to the social reintegration of inmates. Boxing has proved to … Continued

Sports School: Empowerment of Vulnerable Girls

Project presentation The ‘Bici y Fútbol’ Sports School works annually with one hundred girls from 6 to 17 years old from Soacha, a socially and economically vulnerable municipality close to Bogotá, teaching them through sports to prevent unwanted pregnancies and sexual abuse, promoting the exercise of healthy and responsible sexuality and providing them with a … Continued

Tizeti community WiFi, powered by Eutelsat.

Project presentation Low broadband in Nigeria reaches less than 44% mobile and 2% fixed internet penetration out of a population of 200 million. This project leverages satellite broadband infrastructure from Eutelsat and Tizeti’s community Wi-Fi management platform to deliver a fast and affordable public Wi-Fi hotspot service in underserved areas in Nigeria. The project seeks … Continued


Project presentation The objective of Work4Progress (W4P) is to encourage innovation and quality employment for vulnerable women and young people from India, Mozambique, Peru and Colombia. W4P moves from isolated projects to platforms of collaboration formed by civil society organizations, academia, financing institutions, private companies and public sector. The programme focuses on systemic change through … Continued

Agriculture Collectives of Marginalized Women

2023-24 Scale-up project   Project presentation In India’s Bihar and West Bengal states, and the Tarai of Nepal, land inequality is acute, and a majority of rural women are either landless working as a tenant, or work on very marginal plots of family land. These are the farmers most challenged by climate change and a … Continued

Investment mining opportunies in Africa

Project presentation Evaluating investment mining opportunities in Africa is part of the project AfricaMaVal “Building EU-Africa partnerships on sustainable raw materials value chain” founded by the European Union for three years. The AfricaMaVal project aims to develop an EU-Africa partnership that ensures a responsible supply of mineral resources for European industry while guaranteeing sustainable local … Continued

Justice for Victims in Ukraine

2023-24 Scale-up project   Project presentation The Norwegian Helsinki Committee has long experience in implementing projects on documentation and transitional justice in Chechnya and Ingushetia in Russia’s North Caucasus. To date, it implements its best practice of transitional justice for victims of hostilities which may amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity in the … Continued

Allies for the Amazon

Project presentation Several examples have proved that promoting Indigenous governance is beneficial to reduce biodiversity loss. Although COP15 increased recognition about the contribution of indigenous communities to conservation, there is still much to advance. “Allies for the Amazon”, implemented by SPDA in the Amazonian regions of Madre de Dios and Loreto has proved to be … Continued