Terrains d’Avenir

Project presentation Terrains d’Avenir is a program run by six organizations working for inclusion through sport: Emmaüs Solidarité, Futbol Mas France, Kabubu, Ovale Citoyen, PLAY International, and Taekwondo Humanitarian Foundation. Implemented since February 2022, the project has a dual objective: to enable sustainable access to sport for displaced young people in Ile-de-France, whatever their communities … Continued

Cosmopolitan Ethics for the Human Future

Project presentation Technologies are poised to alter the meaning of being human. Genome editing, especially of the human germline, raises fundamental questions of the dignity and integrity of human life. This scientific and technological frontier is also a moral frontier, with implications for all life on the planet. It demands inclusive and far-reaching deliberation drawing … Continued

Peacemakers Project

Project presentation Peace and Sport has over 15 years of expertise in the field of peace through sport. They developed a bottom-up approach, based on identifying the challenges, best practices and needs of leading organizations. The project is a global mentoring offer to support field actors, athletes and institutions to develop programs that use sport … Continued

ContАct2U (Спілкуйся та дій)

Project presentation As a result of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, 10 million people left their homes. In this context, more than 300,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) moved to Dniprо city and the region. The Ukrainian government and volunteer organizations help IDPs meet their basic needs. In addition to material losses, IDPs lost a significant part … Continued

Projet phare « Lutte contre la désinformation »

Project presentation The “fight against disinformation” flagship project aims to strengthen the resilience of French-speaking states and societies to face information disorders which represent a major challenge for the well-being of populations, social cohesion and democratic processes. It is structured around four areas of intervention: 1. Capacity-building for French-speaking fact-checkers 2. The fight against disinformation … Continued

Leveraging Data for Human-Centered Policies

2023-24 Scale-up project   Project presentation The demands on policymakers are increasing worldwide – facing climate change, societal transformation and economic uncertainties, evidence-informed decision-making is more important than ever. However, inadequate data quality and limited data capacities pose critical challenges, resulting in policy designs that fail to tackle existing inequalities. To address this, the Data … Continued

Premium carbon credits for solar empowerment

Project Presentation Namene provides affordable, reliable, everyday devices to low-income, off-grid families – harnessing clean technology to transform lives. Their high-quality solar lights are subsidised through the sale of Gold Standard Verified Emissions Reductions (VERs), allowing them to bring clean lighting to underserved households in Africa at up to 70% off on retail value. Each … Continued

Jeunesse Sahélienne pour l’Action Climatique

Project presentation As part of the AU-EU Youth Cooperation Hub, under the Environment Preservation and Climate Change Cluster, the Jeunesse Sahélienne pour l’Action Climatique (JESAC) is a youth empowerment for climate justice project in Niger and Burkina Faso. In the context of the Great Green Wall Initiative, this innovative agroforestry project was developed involving local … Continued

The Climate Fund for Nature

Project presentation Announced in December 2022 at the COP15 in Montréal, the Climate Fund for Nature has been initiated by KERING and L’OCCITANE Group to scale-up investment in nature-based solutions, so the world can meet its climate change, biodiversity, and land degradation targets. To date, the Fund combines ambitious commitments, totaling €140m out of a … Continued

Negotiating Digital Peace

Project presentation Social media is used to spread disinformation, incite violence and undermine peace across the globe. Despite growing attention to this issue in Europe and the United States, little attention is paid to the power of social media where it can do the most damage: countries in conflict. The Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue’s Social … Continued