Call for AI Projects

Submit your project today

As part of the AI Action Summit, the Paris Peace Forum is launching an ambitious Call for AI Projects.

Apply here

Could AI be at the heart of solutions to our global challenges?

As part of the AI Action Summit, taking place on 10-11 February 2025 in Paris, the Paris Peace Forum is launching an ambitious Call for Projects focused on artificial intelligence.

The AI revolution is bringing about major changes in our lives, our jobs and our societies, and these can divide us in new, unprecedented ways. To ensure that these technologies benefit everyone, our Call for AI Projects aims to support global initiatives that improve the lives of citizens and ethically frame AI. Selected projects will be presented at the AI Action Summit, providing an international platform for sharing inclusive solutions, with a particular focus on engaging civil society and the global South. 

This new Call is part of the Paris Peace Forum‘s ongoing work on innovative global governance solutions (over 500 projects selected and presented since 2018).

Apply here

What kind of projects are we looking for?

We are inviting applications on the following 5 themes:


Trust in Democracy, information, security and safety

  • Combating misinformation
  • Improving public access to information
  • Digital inclusion and accessibility
  • Safety, transparency and accountability


AI and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

  • Environmental sustainability
  • AI for Climate Action
  • Agriculture and food systems
  • Nutrition
  • Global health, scientific cooperation
  • Education
  • Gender


Work and well-being

  • Inclusive and equitable AI
  • Spreading productivity gains
  • Defending AI workers


Governance, ethics, responsibility and crisis response

  • Global AI governance
  • Ethical AI, supervision and transparency of algorithms
  • AI for early warning and disaster management
  • Humanitarian action
  • Crisis management and conflict prevention



  • Dissemination of creative tools
  • Protecting copyright


3 September


Opening of the Call for AI Projects

7 October 23:59 CET

Submission deadline


Application review by the selection committee


Selected projects are announced

10-11 February


AI Action Summit

Selected projects participate in the Summit

Terms of the Call for Projects:  

Applications are open from 3 September 2024, with a submission deadline of 7 October 2024 at 23:59 CET. A jury of experts will select up to 50 projects to be announced in mid-December 2024 for representation at the Summit on 10-11 February 2025. Selected projects will benefit from international visibility, networking opportunities with experts and decision-makers, and integration into the global community of innovators for the common good.   


Eligibility criteria:  

Applications must be submitted by organizations, not individuals, and must align with the Summit’s key themes. Projects must present a certain level of progress, be at least in the pilot phase and not just in the design or start-up phase, and involve a concrete, tangible and distinct solution.   

Research or academic work without concrete implementation will not be considered eligible, but this Call for AI Projects is part of a wider program where contributions and achievements from academia, the private sector, the public and civil society will be presented at the Summit.  


Submission of applications:  

Applications must be submitted via the online form. Submissions received after the deadline of 7 October 2024 at 23:59 CET will not be considered.  


Contact and further information:  

If you have any questions on the Call for AI Projects and the submission process, please contact the team at


Why apply to the Paris Peace Forum Call for AI projects?

The Paris Peace Forum is holding a targeted Call for AI projects to encourage the use of AI for Public Good, as part of the AI Action Summit held in Paris on February 10-11, 2025, and will be a unique opportunity to move forward your AI project or initiative. In case of selection, you will benefit from international visibility and exposure thanks to the physical presence of your project during the event through a dedicated booth; you will have the opportunity to speak about your work and/or share your views on one of the main priority themes that you are addressing; and meet and discuss with AI experts and decisionmakers. All projects will also receive the Paris Peace Forum selected project label and join the community of global innovators in AI for good and the Paris Peace Forum’s ever-growing community of projects.

What are the themes of the AI Action Summit?

The AI Action Summit will be dedicated to projects and initiatives from around the world addressing one of the following themes:

  • Trust in Democracy, information, security and safety
    • Combating misinformation
    • Improving public access to information
    • Digital inclusion and accessibility
    • Safety, transparency and accountability
  • AI and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
    • Environmental sustainability
    • AI for Climate Action
    • Agriculture and food systems
    • Nutrition
    • Global health, scientific cooperation
    • Education
    • Gender
  • Work and well-being:
    • Inclusive and equitable AI
    • Spreading productivity gains
    • Defending AI workers
  • Governance, ethics, responsibility and crisis response
    • Global AI governance
    • Ethical AI, supervision and transparency of algorithms
    • AI for early warning and disaster management
    • Humanitarian action
    • Crisis management and conflict prevention
Does the Paris Peace Forum fund projects?

The Paris Peace Forum does not finance projects presented at the event.

What are the criteria for selecting projects?

In order to be considered by our Selection Committee, the applications submitted in the framework of the Call for AI projects must meet the following seven criteria:

  • Be submitted by an organization and not an individual.
  • Be managed by at least two people who confirm availability to prepare and present the project throughout the entire duration of the Summit (from 10 to 11 February 2025).
  • Demonstrate the use for AI for the public good and be aligned with one of the priority themes of the AI Action Summit.
  • Present a minimum level of advancement: at least in the pilot phase with some implementation underway (may be preliminary), not just in the design or inception phases.
  • Involve a specific, tangible, and distinct action, which excludes the following: academic research or work in the form of ideas without a plan for implementation; general frameworks or organizational programs rather than specific solutions.
  • Have an international dimension, or, at least for local or national initiatives, involve actors or resources from other countries, and possess potential for credible international action.
  • Do not apply with the aim of requesting funding from the Paris Peace Forum.

The Selection Committee will then assess each eligible submission taking into account the general quality of the project (feasibility and coherence, credibility and potential, impact) as well as the relevance of the project to the priorities and approach of the Paris Peace Forum and the AI Action Summit (universality, global or international relevance, link with global governance, a cooperation-based approach, diversity of actors involved, innovative, new, or unique dimension, added value of presenting the project (innovative, new or unique) and the impact of showcasing the project at the AI Action Summit.

The Selection Committee will also base its choice on geographic, functional, and thematic diversity, in line with the themes and priorities of the AI Action Summit.

Who can apply to the Call for AI projects?

All organizations (States or governments, civil society, companies, international organizations, research institutes, etc.) offering a concrete AI project or initiative to a contemporary global challenge across one of the AI Action Summit’s themes can apply.

How to apply?

You can apply to the Call for AI projects by filling in this online form: Only completed submissions will be considered.

Organizations may submit any number of applications as part of this Call for AI projects under different themes.

In which languages should the application be submitted?

Applications must be submitted either in French or in English. 

What is the deadline to participate in the Call for AI projects?

Our Call for AI projects is open until 11:59 pm CET on October 07, 2024.

Do I have to pay to take part in the Call for AI projects?

Applying to our Call for AI projects is free of charge.

Do I have to pay in case of selection of my project or initiative in the AI Action Summit?

Should your project be selected, you will need to cover the costs of your travel to and accommodation in Paris.  

If I have difficulties in financing my project’s participation in the event, can I receive financial support?

The Paris Peace Forum and the AI Action Summit may jointly provide grants to selected project leaders who are unable to cover, directly or through external funding, the costs of participating in the Summit. Any request for financial support must be fully substantiated and submitted as per the procedure stipulated upon selection and may lead to coverage of the costs of participation and/or other costs resulting from participation (transportation and/or housing). Under no circumstances may the Paris Peace Forum guarantee a favorable response to the requests for financial assistance it receives.

Priority will be given to requests submitted by project leaders working in non-profits, especially those from countries in the Global South, whose participation in the Summit would require a significant mobilization of financial resources.

I have applied to the Call for AI projects. How and when will I know the Selection Committee’s decision?

All candidates will be notified via e-mail of the Selection Committee’s decision in December 2024.

The selected projects will be officially announced in mid-December 2024 on the Paris Peace Forum website.

Throughout the selection process, the Paris Peace Forum and the members of the Selection Committee will not respond to any requests for information about the application procedure or results.

I could not find the information I was looking for... Who can I contact?

For any additional information, please read the Rules and Regulations of the Call for AI projects or write to