Ensuring trust and safety in the digital world



2023-24 Scale-up project


Project presentation

DALIL is an e-platform that promotes the use of community-driven fact-checked content among the public. Leveraging AI, it streamlines the fact-checking process, saving critical time in the fight against disinformation. DALIL scrapes online content, rapidly identifies and clusters trending topics, gathers a variety of open-source verification tools, and facilitates cross-platform publishing. It also integrates DALIL Check, an AI-powered discourse analysis tool that highlights subjective speech and rhetorical devices used to influence readers. DALIL will soon add features that open avenues for collaboration and resource sharing between fact-checkers. Few existing content moderation tools can process Arabic; DALIL fills this gap. With European Union funding, DALIL is being rolled out across Middle East and North Africa, with potential for global scalability.



Organization presentation

Siren Analytics is a tech-with-purpose company that helps organizations accelerate their digital transformation by developing scalable and forward-thinking solutions using cost-efficient technologies. Operating across multiple sectors and at the crossroads of different industries, we engage with governments, businesses and associations, harnessing the transformative impact of ICT technologies to put data at the service of safer, more just, and more prosperous communities.



“DALIL streamlines access to vital information, saving us time, and letting us focus on news analysis and debunking claims.”

Barakat Al Zoyoud, Fact-checker, Akeed