Exploring the ethics and global governance of genome editing

Thanks to significant technological advances, genome editing is becoming increasingly accessible. The healthcare applications of such innovations offer great potential for personalized medicine and the understanding of many diseases. However, genome-editing techniques also carry safety risks and raise ethical questions. While the potential benefits of genetic therapies on somatic cells could be significant, related scientific … Continued

Safeguarding the Trees of Life: Uniting Climate and Biodiversity Agendas

Join this roundtable to explore the paramount role of forests in achieving climate and biodiversity goals and their alignment with the COP15 roadmap. With a rich diversity of landscapes such as the Chinese bamboo forests, Mexico’s iconic Chapultepec, the vast Amazon rainforest, the Sahel acacia savannas or the Brazilian caatinga and mangroves, forests are key … Continued

Seeds of Innovation: Women as Catalysts for Agricultural Resilience

In the face of food crises and climate change, the impact on agriculture and access to food is at an increasingly critical stage. Recognizing the pivotal role of women in sustaining life on our planet, this roundtable aims to shed light on their significant contributions to agriculture and the 2030 Agenda. This session will showcase … Continued

Generating Local Value through Sustainable Mining

(Session co-organized with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)). The global shift towards sustainable energy sources and the resulting demand for minerals and metals presents significant challenges for countries rich in these resources. Yet these countries can benefit from increased demand by leveraging their mineral reserves for economic growth and diversification. By providing meaningful and stable … Continued

To gauge or not to gauge: what unified paradigm to assess sustainable use of outer space?

Space environmentalism needs a common paradigm. While definitions of “sustainable use of outer space” are multiplying around the world, the space community still lacks a clear consensus about concrete indicators to assess it – a role for instance played by carbon emissions measurement in the fight against climate change. This roundtable will present the first … Continued

ATLAS (Agricultural Transitions Lab for African Solutions) Roundtable, 1st Edition: Africa-Europe Policymaker Meeting on African Agri-food Systems

Organized in partnership with Africa-Europe Foundation and Global Perspectives Initiative. The African continent has immense agricultural potential that needs to be unleashed to enhance food security on both a continental and global scale, and to achieve climate goals. African agriculture should therefore be a priority on the international agenda. The ATLAS Laboratory is the permanent … Continued

Protecting Populations from Critical Harm to the Public Core of the internet

Ensuring the protection and resilience of critical information infrastructures is crucial to the continuity of essential services to populations. However, global cooperation in this regard has been hampered by a lack of convergence between States on what infrastructure qualifies as “critical” as well as on consequences to be drawn from this designation. New methods remain … Continued