Addressing inequalities and accelerating SDGs

Tespack Smart Mobile Micro-Grid


2024-25 Scale-up project


Presentation of the Project

Tespack’s smart mobile micro-grids combine solar, proprietary battery management systems, and deep learning features to bring access to the internet and decentralized energy to remote regions, in a cost effective and affordable way, making it possible for anyone to customize and build their own power grid.
Today, organizations including UNICEF, UNDP, UNFPA, World Vision, and local Ministries are using Tespack's smart mobile micro-grids to enhance the impact of initiatives in education, health, and agricultural sectors. In 2023 alone, Tespack mitigated over 4 tCO2e and trained more than 150K rural people, 60% of which were women and girls.

Presentation of the Organization

Tespack, a Finnish company, specializes in delivering internet access and green energy infrastructure to remote areas through smart mobile micro-grids. By leveraging advanced software, deep learning, and proprietary hardware, Tespack creates dependable green energy solutions tailored for isolated populations.