
Project presentation The ongoing conflict and resulting instability across Yemen have exacerbated pre-existing challenges to the rule of law and the administration of justice, of which citizens bear the brunt. All parties to the conflict have undermined the rule of law. This has led many citizens to believe in primitive ways to assert their violated … Continued

Promoting Accountability for ISIL Core Crimes

Project presentation A significant volume of information on ISIL crimes is held in Iraq’s courts, agencies, and civil society organizations, left behind by ISIL in the aftermath of conflict. If the integrity of this information is preserved, it can be used as admissible evidence in judicial proceedings. This is crucial to promote accountability for ISIL … Continued


Project presentation This project empowers Syrian women by creating a knowledge-sharing network and supporting their advocacy for rights and needs. It aims to foster participation and mobilize women for change, both locally and internationally. Existing women-led networks are utilized to enhance resilience and promote reintegration, equity, and peacebuilding.   Organization presentation SAWA for Development & … Continued

Cultural Corridors of Peace

Cultural Corridors of Peace uses the memory of Bedouin nomadic routes to forge cultural pathways to peace and post-conflict collaboration across the MENA region. They hope that it will inspire others to build and revive relations through culture. The project provides Bedouin people with culturally-appropriate means to sustain their heritage and use it to improve … Continued

Interim Reparations for Yazidi Survivors

Five years since the liberation of Sinjar, Iraq, the return of Yazidis to the area remains slow due to the immense destruction, slow rehabilitation of infrastructure, lack of essential services, and continued security risks. Female survivors of Daesh captivity endure the repercussions of past trauma, while facing an unfamiliar landscape upon their return to Sinjar. … Continued


2022-23 Scale-up project   Overview  Jouhouzia is a program aiming at ensuring heritage protection. The program engages with stakeholders in the public and private sectors aiming at setting the ground for an operational multidisciplinary team to act in times of emergencies. The Lebanese partners in the project are: the army, fire brigade, red cross, ministries … Continued


As a flagship program of the Minka Middle East Initiative, the Shabake program, implemented by Expertise France, aims to strengthen, and support the capacities of Lebanese NGOs. The Lebanese civil society is recognized as essential in crisis prevention and response in Lebanon. The Lebanese civil society has played a fundamental role in responding to the … Continued

Social Entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean

The project aims to promote the development of the social entrepreneurship sector as a driver for inclusive growth and job creation in the Southern Mediterranean partner countries (Morocco, Tunisia, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, and Palestine). The initiative will see the implementation of a set of complementary activities aiming at: (1) promoting country and cross-country policy and … Continued

Supporting Arab Women at the Table (SAWT)

The project aims at quantitatively and qualitatively increasing women’s meaningful inclusion in peace processes in the MENA region by improving their ability to influence outcomes and establish post-conflict gender-egalitarian frameworks. It will focus on the emergence of a new generation of women activists with enhanced capacity, skills, and confidence through the creation of new venues … Continued

Awaaz information centre

The humanitarian situation in Afghanistan is one of the most severe and complex crises in the world. An estimated 9.4 million Afghans are currently in need of life-saving assistance. Awaaz Afghanistan, the first nationwide inter-agency humanitarian call centre, is funded by the Afghanistan Humanitarian Fund, the European Union Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid, UNHCR and … Continued