Social Entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean

The project aims to promote the development of the social entrepreneurship sector as a driver for inclusive growth and job creation in the Southern Mediterranean partner countries (Morocco, Tunisia, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, and Palestine). The initiative will see the implementation of a set of complementary activities aiming at: (1) promoting country and cross-country policy and … Continued

Supporting Arab Women at the Table (SAWT)

The project aims at quantitatively and qualitatively increasing women’s meaningful inclusion in peace processes in the MENA region by improving their ability to influence outcomes and establish post-conflict gender-egalitarian frameworks. It will focus on the emergence of a new generation of women activists with enhanced capacity, skills, and confidence through the creation of new venues … Continued

Awaaz information centre

The humanitarian situation in Afghanistan is one of the most severe and complex crises in the world. An estimated 9.4 million Afghans are currently in need of life-saving assistance. Awaaz Afghanistan, the first nationwide inter-agency humanitarian call centre, is funded by the Afghanistan Humanitarian Fund, the European Union Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid, UNHCR and … Continued

Resilient farming systems

Led by Mercy Corps and funded by Agence Française de Développement, using an inclusive systems approach, PERMA is working to rehabilitate economic activities in the agriculture sector in Iraq’s Ninewa Governorate, once the agricultural heart of Iraq that was devastated by the conflict with ISIS. The programme links agriculture producers and MSMEs with access to … Continued

Ard el kheir incubator

The Ard El Kheir incubator has supported young women, providing them with the capacity building skills for a decent livelihood. A business plan was developed and the win-win-win situation was struck. MSMEDA would provide the poor female youth clients with low cost financing. Ard El Kheir will provide capacity building to the young women, enabling … Continued

Madad for women

The Madad for Women regional gender program has been instrumental in improving livelihood, agency and legal and social protection for Syrian women refugees, internally displaced and women from host communities in Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq/KR-I. The project combines the provision of an emergency response based on comprehensive and accessible protection services and decent work opportunities, … Continued

SADA’s Women’s Cooperative

SADA Women’s Cooperative aims to strengthen the resilience of refugee women and girls and their host communities. Based in Gaziantep, a Turkish city only 50 km from the Syrian border, the cooperative provides income generation and fosters social cohesion through its inclusive and democratic business model, hiring refugee and Turkish women. Operating in three sectors … Continued

Faire Revivre l’Esprit de Mossoul

The ‘Revive the Spirit of Mosul’ initiative has the overarching objective of contributing to achieving inclusive social, economic, and environmental sustainability, as well as building peace, through an integrated approach to the recovery of the city in its human dimensions. Mosul was a symbol of diversity and tolerance before the outbreak of the conflict. This … Continued

Wisdom in Nature

Wisdom-in-Nature (WIN) recognizes the importance of species’ cultural values to society and its sustainable development. WIN widens the prospects of species conservation by exploring and demonstrating the cultural significance of nature. Through species’ cultural value WIN goes beyond field conservation and explores the root causes of the extinction of species and their conditions for survival … Continued

The Hague International Model United Nations in Qatar (THIMUN Qatar)

High School is a key time for developing high impact student leadership. The Hague International Model United Nations acts as a global leader for over 500 schools internationally, and their three flagship conferences in the Hague, Qatar and Singapore attract over 6,000 students each year. The program has been building diplomacy and education for advocacy … Continued