South-North Dialogue to help achieve SDG 2 and 13 in Africa: An Agricultural Revolution for Sustainable Food Security

The Covid-19 epidemic and the war in Ukraine have exacerbated structural trends: food insecurity is set to increase due to rising demographics and declining crop yields caused by climate change. The challenge of the century will be to produce more while decarbonizing. Faced with this situation, Africa has immense agricultural potential. It can feed its … Continued

Sports – A heavyweight champion for inclusive and sustainable societies

As the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games draw nearer, the Paris Peace Forum is proud to gather a diverse array of remarkable sports projects from around the globe. They embody the transformative power of sports, showcasing how it imparts empathy, cooperation, and resilience—the essential ingredients for fostering open, inclusive, and just societies. The various … Continued

All about impact: Maximizing the role of philanthropy in the age of multicrises

(Session co-organized with Postcode Lottery). Philanthropies have the agility and capital to invest in innovative solutions in an era of compounding global threats to people and the planet. Yet, philanthropy is often misrepresented as either the world’s last resort financier or a de-risker of projects that cannot be funded by public or private capital. Philanthropy can provide … Continued

To gauge or not to gauge: what unified paradigm to assess sustainable use of outer space?

Space environmentalism needs a common paradigm. While definitions of “sustainable use of outer space” are multiplying around the world, the space community still lacks a clear consensus about concrete indicators to assess it – a role for instance played by carbon emissions measurement in the fight against climate change. This roundtable will present the first … Continued

The Paris Dialogue in action: A roadmap for finance and sustainable development sciences

(Session co-organized with the Agence française de Développement (AFD). At the Summit for a New Financial Pact (SNPF), leaders of international organizations and institutions from the field of sciences and finance based in Paris launched the Paris Dialogue Platform, marking their desire to join forces to establish Paris as a laboratory for sustainable development solutions, a … Continued

Not so bleak: Lessons learned from innovative approaches to peacebuilding

Peacebuilding and post-conflict reconstruction are often hard to measure and are overlooked for bleaker narratives and headlines. This session is devoted to inclusive, sustainable, and innovative solutions for a broad set of victims of war, from women, refugees, and asylum seekers to victims of arbitrary detentions and torture to name a few. Projects in the … Continued

Cultivating Cooperation: Ground-up solutions for productive and sustainable agricultures

Drawing on the multistakeholder ethos of the Paris Peace Forum and echoing its mission to promote dialogue between the global North and South, we explore inventive approaches within agriculture to build strong and sustainable nutrition and food systems in Africa. To challenge prevailing assumptions, encourage knowledge-sharing, and catalyze South-South cooperation, this session will bring together … Continued

Exploring the ethics and global governance of genome editing

Thanks to significant technological advances, genome editing is becoming increasingly accessible. The healthcare applications of such innovations offer great potential for personalized medicine and the understanding of many diseases. However, genome-editing techniques also carry safety risks and raise ethical questions. While the potential benefits of genetic therapies on somatic cells could be significant, related scientific … Continued