Secure digital transformation for sustainable development: challenges and opportunities

(Session co-organized with Microsoft). Digital transformation is changing the world in unprecedented ways. This panel will explore how digital transformation can support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), while addressing the risks and challenges of cybersecurity. You will learn from experts and peers in the cybersecurity and development communities, and discuss how to collaborate on technical, … Continued

No Nature, No Future: Tackling the biodiversity emergency

According to recent figures, wildlife populations have plunged by an average of 69% between 1970 and 2018 – one of many statistics that show biodiversity, from our forests to our oceans, is declining faster than ever before in human history. This has devastating consequences for the well-being of all living creatures on Earth. A year … Continued

All hands on deck: Boosting financial efforts for People and the Planet

Public and private actors gathered at the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact in Paris on June 22-23, 2023, and affirmed their collective determination to address the joint climate, nature and development challenges. They pledged a series of commitments that will contribute to updating the international financing system and to improve the protection of … Continued

Youth Peace and Security – What Role for the EU?

(Session co-organized with the EEAS – European External Action Service). The Paris Peace Forum takes place as the EU marks the first year of implementation of the Youth Action Plan in EU External Action adopted in October 2022 and endorsed in EU Council conclusions in November 2022.   Given the large youth population in conflict-affected … Continued

Shaping our Shared Future: Inspiring Solutions from Around the World

In a world marked by rivalry and polarization, the need for finding common ground and innovative solutions has never been more crucial. Join us in this session where remarkable projects from across the globe will take center stage. From environmental sustainability and cultural heritage protection to shaping a safer and ethical digital world, these initiatives … Continued

Official launch of the AI Charter in Media

This session is co-organized with Reporters without Borders (RSF). AI-based technologies pose a major challenge to the integrity of information and the right to reliable, independent and pluralistic reporting. As public trust in the media continues to decline, there is an urgent need to establish universal ethical and professional standards for the use of AI … Continued

Protecting Mother Earth: Climate action by and for Women

While the climate crisis is a threat for everyone, it does not affect us all equally. Mainly because they represent 70% of the 1.3 billion people living in multidimensional poverty (UNPD, 2021) and are more dependent on threatened natural resources, women are more vulnerable to climate change. Paradoxically, they are also often left out of … Continued

Bridging the global challenges of Food security and climate change

(Session co-organized with OCP Group). To feed a growing population while protecting the planet, we need to close the yield gap while enabling the agriculture sector to go beyond net zero and play a significant role in carbon sequestration. Leading climate scientists have warned that it’s “now or never” if we are to meet the goals … Continued

The Great economic de-coupling: Globalization in need of therapy

Confronted with an increasing risk of geopolitical fragmentation, the global economy is facing its perhaps biggest test since the Second World War. Over the past decades, flows of capital, services, goods and people have radically transformed our world for better and worse and the global economy has tripled in size. Although it meant significant development … Continued