Stage D

Friday 10 November 2023


All hands on deck: Boosting financial efforts for People and the Planet

Addressing inequalities and accelerating SDGs

Public and private actors gathered at the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact in Paris on June 22-23, 2023, and affirmed their collective determination to address the joint climate, nature and development challenges. They pledged a series of commitments that will contribute to updating the international financing system and to improve the protection of global public goods while ensuring affordable financing for the poorest to reach the SDGs. They converged on shared principles: 1) No country should have to choose between fighting poverty and fighting for the planet. 2) Country face different needs and need to pursue diverse transition paths. 3) A financial stimulus is needed to eradicate poverty while protecting the planet. 4) Private capital has a crucial role to play. This session will discuss the next steps of the Paris agenda for People and Planet, the tangible results to seek, and the cooperation and monitoring needed for achieving these objectives.

With the participation of

Jin Liqun

President, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)


Giorgio Leali

Reporter, Politico


Oulimata Sarr

Former Minister of Economy, Planning and Cooperation, Republic of Senegal


Eric Pelofsky

Deputy Chief of Staff and Vice President in the President's Office, The Rockefeller Foundation


Intervention on the same theme

10:00 11:00
Room 4
From science to policy: how to inform decision-making on pandemic prevention, preparedness & response?
Addressing inequalities and accelerating SDGs
13:45 14:45
Room 2
International taxation to scale up development and climate action
Addressing inequalities and accelerating SDGs