Stage C

Saturday 11 November 2023


Youth Peace and Security – What Role for the EU?

Crafting peace and building a safer world

(Session co-organized with the EEAS - European External Action Service). The Paris Peace Forum takes place as the EU marks the first year of implementation of the Youth Action Plan in EU External Action adopted in October 2022 and endorsed in EU Council conclusions in November 2022.   Given the large youth population in conflict-affected countries such as Yemen or in the Sahel, empowering and giving voice to young peacebuilders remains a key priority for the EU. Through the Youth Action Plan and the Civilian CSDP Compact, the EU aims to ensure meaningful, inclusive and effective youth participation, foster opportunities for young people to network and exchange, and introduce a youth-sensitive approach to conflicts and crisis, including a new monitoring framework with concrete indicators.   This panel discussion aims to highlight achievements of implementing the YAP and discuss the key challenges related to the promotion of the YPS agenda. The Global YPS Coalition will inform about progress in implementation of the global Five-year Strategic Action Plan for Youth-Inclusive Peace Processes. Young peacebuilders will provide insights linked to YPS in their specific contexts and give recommendations to the international community.

With the participation of

Vanessa Scherrer

Vice-President for International Affairs, Sciences Po



Heela Yoon

Founder and Director, Afghan Youth Ambassadors for Peace Organization / 2022 UN SDG Young Leader


Irena Grizelj

Author, Global 5-year Strategic Action Plan for Youth-Inclusive Peace Processes; Mediation Support Officer, Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue


Intervention on the same theme

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Stage A
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Crafting peace and building a safer world
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Crafting peace and building a safer world