Addressing inequalities and accelerating SDGs
Crafting peace and building a safer world

Economic and social reintegration with a community, territorial and solidarity-based economy approach

Agirre Lehendakaria Center and LKS - ALECOP (two cooperatives from the MONDRAGON Corporation)
South America

The project aims to contribute to the collective, social and economic reintegration of former FARC members into civilian life by strengthening ECOMUN and its cooperatives and articulating this process at territorial level. This project is framed in the EU Trust Fund and supports the government of Colombia in the implementation of the Peace Agreement. This initiative brings Mondragon's experience in developing solidarity-based businesses on board. To this end, the capacities and organizational skills of ECOMUN, as a cooperative group, will be strengthened, so that it can provide guidance to its cooperatives. A pilot experience of territorial development will be implemented, generating mechanisms for dialog between the reintegrated population and other actors, sharing agendas and fostering common economic initiatives. The project contemplates three axes of intervention: 1) The implementation of fish-farming value chains in different ETCRs (Territorial Spaces for Training and Reintegration); 2) Strengthening ECOMUN and its cooperatives; and 3) Territorial development with a social-innovation approach.