Global emerging markets credit risk database

The Global Emerging Markets Credit Risk Database pools loan portfolio data from its member institutions in an anonymous manner and then produces statistics that its members can rely on in their internal credit processes. The geographical focus on emerging markets and developing economies gave GEMs a particular value to member institutions from the start, complementing … Continued

Mediascan tool

Women remain largely invisible in media content and are frequently depicted in stereotypical ways, including in current COVID-19 media coverage. Monitoring the content of media on gender representation and portrayal is a crucial first step to address the visibility of women in media. Data on gender representation in media is systematically collected through the online … Continued

Africa green bonds

Africa is at the epicenter of climate change impacts, with vulnerable communities especially at-risk. Investors seek to allay climate-driven risk; green bonds, with transparent governance and outcome tracking, are an innovative proposition for sustainable investment. We established green bond programmes in Kenya and Nigeria, aimed at catalysing the market by partnering with public and private … Continued

Watch out!

Human Rights Defenders around the world are increasingly exposed to security threats, repressive surveillance, and monitoring of communications. To protect them from this growing phenomenon, FIDH created the Watch Out! Project — a cyber survival kit composed of basic, yet essential, physical and digital tools with simple recommendations to protect one’s digital privacy, circumvent internet … Continued

Dfcd landscape finance

The Dutch Fund for Climate and Development (DFCD) is a new blended finance partnership launched in 2019, that steers capital towards projects that strengthen the climate resilience of vulnerable populations and ecosystems. The fund is structured through three operationally linked facilities. The DFCD Water and Land Use Facilities are managed by CFM and FMO and … Continued

International platform for sustainable finance

To reach our Paris Agreement commitments and build back better from the COVID19 crisis, trillions of investments will be needed. Mobilising international private capital and scale up cross-border green investments will be crucial. The International Platform on Sustainable Finance was created as a response to this urgent need. The IPSF promotes integrated market for environmentally … Continued

Covid-19 data platform

EMBL launched the COVID-19 data platform, together with the European Commission, European Open Science Cloud, ELIXIR and other partners. This platform allows rapid access to SARS-CoV-2 datasets in order to speed up research. The platform organises the collection of sequence data to ensure open data sharing globally. The COVID-19 Data Portal then makes this data … Continued

Inform and protect

Access to reliable information can save lives. This is even more true during the COVID-19 pandemic. With a focus on using social media for good, the EU supports international and local efforts to bring fact-checked information to populations in conflict and crisis-affected communities and to debunk myths and rumours. We also help establish trust and … Continued

Early warning early response

The central idea behind the Early Warning Early Response (EWER) Systems Initiative, which is developed within the European Commission-funded electoral assistance projects implemented by UNDP, as well as in some broader governance projects, is to support nationally-led multi-stakeholder dialogue and coordination to diminish the possibility of electoral violence. A key objective of the EWER is … Continued

Eces electoral projects in ethiopia

The European Response to Electoral Cycle Support in Ethiopia (EURECS Ethiopia) is a 16.55M EURO project funded by the EU under the European Development Fund and by the German state-owned development bank KFW, on behalf of the German government. EURECS Ethiopia is implemented in synergy with the Prevention, mitigation and management of election-related conflicts and … Continued