Together, we stand!

International cooperation is critical to fighting COVID-19. Innovative screening technology at Institut Pasteur Korea has identified strong COVID-19 drug candidates. Pasteurians of the Republic of Korea and Senegal have launched clinical trials to test the therapeutic efficacy of COVID-19 drug candidates. This cross-border scientific cooperation between pre-clinical research organizations, clinical research hospitals, and pharmaceutical partners … Continued

Digital health id: mae la

The Mae La initiative is an innovative approach to empowering individuals living in restricted camp conditions to access better healthcare through greater control over their own information. With the digital ID, participants can accurately share their healthcare records to qualified providers who can then offer them enhanced continuity of care. These same people can further … Continued

Environmental crime amazon

If deforestation levels rise another 5% in the Amazon Basin, the planet’s largest tropical forest could experience catastrophic die-back, releasing the equivalent to a decade of global emissions. Regional efforts to end environmental crime are episodic and insufficient. In order to generate more widespread engagement with issues of environment crime, the Igarape Institute launched Ecocrime … Continued

Transition in sudan

Sudan is witnessing an unprecedented political transition after the authoritarian regime of Omar Al Bashir. HD Centre has held consultations with key Sudanese actors to inform this dialogue-based initiative. Project’s Key Components: i. Bridging the gap between Sudan’s Centre and the Periphery ii. Institutional support to the political transition and support for political dialogue and … Continued

All atlantic youth

The All-Atlantic Ocean Youth Ambassadors are a team of 23 early-career researchers and professionals from 15 countries connected to the Atlantic Ocean. The young people who comprise this diverse group are addressing the challenge of disconnect between civil society and the protection of the ocean, also known as the ‘emotional deficit’. It was agreed by … Continued

Green city-wide sanitation

The project addresses both the policy and planning elements needed to attract climate and private investment as well as developing viable service models that ensure an affordable service for all. In Nepal and Senegal the policy and planning elements have included: 1) The incorporation of sanitation into the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC). The focus has … Continued

We care

With more than 5 billion people using a mobile phone, and 7 billion covered by a mobile network, the reach of mobile technology remains unparalleled, providing individuals a unique platform to access essential communications and life-enhancing services. Led by the GSMA, We Care is a multi-stakeholder initiative where mobile operators in a market join forces … Continued

Covid-19-tracking armed groups’ responses

Discover Geneva Call’s Armed non-State Actors COVID-19 Response Monitor, an innovative tool that monitors the policies and measures armed non-State actors have adopted in response to COVID-19.In many conflict areas affected by the spread of COVID-19, armed non-State actors (ANSAs) have adopted measures to respond to the pandemic in the territories they control. By making … Continued

Global covenant of mayors

When cities engage in the Global Covenant of Mayors, they demonstrate their leadership, setting an example for cities all over the world to become part of the global solution to climate change. Cities that join the GCoM pledge to develop a greenhouse gas emissions inventory and assessment of climate risks, and set measurable emissions targets, … Continued

Gavi, the vaccine alliance

The Gavi Advance Market Commitment for COVID-19 Vaccines (Gavi Covax AMC) is a new financing instrument which will achieve more equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines by intervening actively in the emerging vaccine market. This means: 1. Accelerating the availability of effective vaccines. By investing early in a portfolio of vaccine candidates the risk of vaccine … Continued