Youth on track

Jóvenes con Rumbo (JcR) is a secondary and tertiary prevention for youth who are excluded from the formal labor market, who have not concluded their education cycles and are at risk of engaging in violence and crime, or in conflict with the law. JcR has an integral and intensive working model that includes life and … Continued

Stop domestic violence

Our initiative directly addresses the phenomenon of domestic violence against women amidst the COVID-19 pandemic in Morocco in light of the different quarantine measures and lockdown. As part of the implementation of our initiative, we have launched an online campaign using video capsules produced by Moroccan girls and women advocating against gender-based violence during quarantine … Continued

People for nature

The project enables independent local NGOs and activists to contribute to environmental protection. The project offers training and experts’ support on scientific, practical, administrative and legal issues and provides a platform for building synergies among actors. To achieve this goal, the project develops free online tools, training and grant programs for local NGOs. During the … Continued

Weaving the recovery

COVID-19 has simultaneously reduced revenues and increased the housework burden for Indigenous Women, while exposing their dire lack of access to essential services. This project will tackle the systemic socio-economic inequalities faced by Indigenous Women in Guatemala, Peru and Mexico. Rooted in intricate traditional textiles, it will weave an entrepreneurial fabric tailored to the post-COVID … Continued

Health & peace initiative

The COVID19 outbreak has demonstrated that health crises can be important enablers for peace and ceasefire agreements. But the COVID19 outbreak also has the potential to act as a trigger for conflict by exacerbating existing fault lines in society and by increasing feelings of inequality. Health programs can contribute to peace as they can be … Continued

Covid-19 learning app

The spread of the novel coronavirus created enormous challenges for health workers everywhere. The volume of information and the lack of trust in sources compounded these challenges, making it difficult for an already overburdened health workforce to manage information and apply trusted evidence to practice. Faced with this, the WHO Academy team dedicated its technological … Continued


The world is interdependent. We have known it for some time. But with COVID-19, we are now experiencing it. We also know that addressing global challenges requires us to work together. New technologies ignore borders and can connect the world’s brightest minds to collaborate and accelerate research, drive innovation and enrich education. But, without access … Continued

Assessing un peacekeeping

The Comprehensive Planning and Performance Assessment System (CPAS) provides a concrete solution to assess the impact of UN peacekeeping, which contributes to strengthening global governance. CPAS provides missions with a tool to more systematically assess their operating environment and show progress towards those goals using data and analysis, which are used to track impact over … Continued

Coordinated covid recovery

Building on a pre-existing partnership between the UN, EU and WB, COVID-19 Recovery Needs Assessments (CRNAs) provide a macro, meso and micro level analysis and develops prioritized recovery needs with costs under a coordinated and government-owned process. This can ensure alignment of the development community behind one comprehensive government-wide strategy which can be converted to … Continued

Restore tropical peatlands

Indonesia is home to the largest area of tropical peatlands in the world. This ecosystem is one of nature’s most effective ways of removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. But when peat catches fire, it releases up to ten times more carbon than forest fires. Restoring peatlands helps mitigate the climate crisis. Indonesia’s Peatland Restoration … Continued