The Oversight Board

Founded in 2020, the Board is the first ever experiment by a social media platform to allow independent oversight of content moderation decisions. Created by Meta, but firmly independent from it, the Board promotes freedom of expression and other human rights online, while also strategically tackling the most harmful content on social media. The 23-person … Continued

A circular economy for space

With more than 10,000 tons of waste into orbit, it’s time to change. Instead of just seeing a threat, Orbit Recycling recognizes the value of debris, it’s recycling potential. By introducing the concept of a circular economy, Orbit Recycling supports the sustainable exploration of the Moon. Dangerous debris is transformed into valuable material, without the … Continued

Open Data for Indigenous and Ethnic Minority

This project is crucial for indigenous and ethnic minority (IEM) communities to have better access to the data and information for exercising their rights to self-determination and self-governance. Storytelling with data enables communities to protect their collective interests and to engage in decision-making processes while raising public awareness. This project aims to expand the initiative … Continued

Safe Digital City

The Safe Digital City is a digital analysis and concept-development program piloted by Nordic Safe Cities, Malmö Municipality, and the Swedish Center for prevention of Violent Extremism (CVE) in collaboration with researchers at Analyse & Tal. The project aims at giving local actors a strengthened picture of the hate speech and threats circulating social media … Continued

Life Changing Work for Women Refugees

The topic of refugees exploded when the photo of 2-year-old Aylan Kurdy’s dead body on the Turkish shores went viral. Six years later, the number of individuals forced to flee continues to rise, worsening the worldwide issue of displacement. Refugees often spend months or years waiting for papers or the ability to cross borders and … Continued

Interim Reparations for Yazidi Survivors

Five years since the liberation of Sinjar, Iraq, the return of Yazidis to the area remains slow due to the immense destruction, slow rehabilitation of infrastructure, lack of essential services, and continued security risks. Female survivors of Daesh captivity endure the repercussions of past trauma, while facing an unfamiliar landscape upon their return to Sinjar. … Continued

MIT Climate Pathways Project

2024-25 Scale-up project   Presentation of the project The MIT Climate Pathways Project leverages interactive simulations to advance the adoption of evidence-based climate policy among leaders in both the public and private sectors. These interactive simulations include the En-ROADS and C-ROADS climate solution simulators, co-developed with Climate Interactive.   Research on general audiences has found … Continued

Empowering Women through Careers in Tech

At Laboratoria, we empower women who dream of a better future to start and grow transformative careers in technology by providing a 6 month bootcamp in technical and life skills. We have trained 2,500 women as web developers and UX designers who have gone on to fill the talent and gender gap in tech, and … Continued

Le label “Qualité Sonore”

Our project consists in an international label “Sound Quality” in partnership with Universal Music, the Écouter/Voir Foundation, IRCAM Amplify and UNESCO. After the adoption of resolution 39C/59 at UNESCO on the importance of sound and its good practices, La Semaine du Son has created a label that aims to limit excessive sound compression, regardless of … Continued

Gender Mainstreaming in Indian Foreign Policy

The concept of Feminist Foreign Policy (FFP) is gaining global traction. Diverse voices from the global south that offer unique experiences and lived realities can add to the growing understanding on how a FFP could change the trajectory of governance to make it more impactful, inclusive and lasting. Through extensive research, consultations and deep discussions … Continued