Develop peace through Taekwondo

The Taekwondo Humanitarian Foundation (THF) and its mother organization World Taekwondo (WT) have been striving for a better, more peaceful World inclusive of global children, youth and minorities through the sport and martial art of taekwondo. Acknowledging its responsibility as international sports leader, World Taekwondo created THF in early 2016 as separate non-profit organisation, with … Continued


There is no bigger existential threat to world peace than climate change. We have been frenetically doing our part as a renewable energy business, via our sister company Sindicatum Renewable Energy, for the past decade. But we can’t do it alone. Renewable energy capacity still needs to grow tenfold in the next 20 years for … Continued

Restoring Trust & Integrity in Global Finance

The Project as proposed is to develop a global initiative, in partnership with leading global banks and their regulators, to develop new mechanisms to measure and map misconduct risk and to provide banks with predictive tools that allow them to address such risks proactively. We are in active discussions with leading banks and regulators in … Continued

Information & Démocratie

Learn more about the concrete and innovative solutions, initiated by Reporters Without Borders (RSF), to support democracy by strengthening free, independent and reliable information around the world. “The Journalism Trust Initiative” In April 2018, the non-governmental organization revealed a plan to promote the implementation of journalistic methods, respect for ethical rules and editorial independence (i.e … Continued

Volcanoes National Park Expansion Program in Rwanda, Africa – improved conservation and tourism as a catalyst for community and economic transformation

Volcanoes National Park (VNP) is part of a unique transboundary protected area located in Rwanda (Africa). It is globally important to 1 of only 2 remaining populations of the endangered Mountain Gorilla endemic to the Virunga Massif. Despite 10 years of success in protecting Gorilla and building a successful sustainable tourism program, a number of … Continued


Issue: Deforestation and forest degradation are serious environment issues in Sri Lanka .In the beginning of the 20th Century Sri Lanka had 49% forest cover but it has been reduced to 26% at the beginning of 21st Century. The forest degradation is not merely a reduction of the forest area but the quality or the … Continued


Launched in 2015 after the January terrorist attacks in France, the Seriously project is the result of a twofold objective for the think tank Renaissance Numérique: (1) Taking action to restrain the hate dynamic that spreads in our societies and is particularly visible on the Internet; (2) Creating and offering tools that encourage the active … Continued


As the world becomes increasingly financially inclusive, it is important that financial literacy and responsibility are also championed in parallel. If not, there is a danger that financial issues that have affected developed societies will also impact developing societies. A lack of financial awareness contributed to past financial crisis’, yet few countries have adopted financial … Continued

A New Governance Model for International Wildlife Conservation

Panthera, the world’s only organization that is devoted exclusively to the conservation of the world’s wild cat species and their ecosystems, operates with a unique structure designed to leverage for maximum impact the governance, fundraising, and awareness-raising, talents of those dedicated to saving wild cats. The organization operates under the governance of the Board of … Continued