Stepping up Child Safety Online

Being offline is no longer an option for many children and youth today. The digital revolution has brought them easier access to education, information and knowledge and new ways to express themselves and socialize.  But these benefits also come with serious risks. According to the 2023 Global Threat Assessment online, child sexual exploitation, abuse and … Continued

3rd Summit for Information and Democracy: “Cooperating for the integrity of information”

In a context marked by the multiplication of infodemia, massive campaigns to manipulate information and drastic restrictions on press freedom, the third Summit for Information and Democracy will bring together political decision-makers and civil society experts to strengthen international cooperation in the fight against disinformation. Organized by France in conjunction with the Forum on Information … Continued

AI Governance – what is needed? From public infrastructure to democratic governance

Artificial Intelligence (AI) potential knows no bounds, promising transformative solutions to some of humanity’s most pressing challenges. However, like any cutting-edge and disruptive technology, its inherent risks require great vigilance to ensure its power is harnessed responsibly. In this session, we will delve into the intricacies of AI governance, examining how collective efforts can help … Continued

Protecting Populations from Critical Harm to the Public Core of the internet

Ensuring the protection and resilience of critical information infrastructures is crucial to the continuity of essential services to populations. However, global cooperation in this regard has been hampered by a lack of convergence between States on what infrastructure qualifies as “critical” as well as on consequences to be drawn from this designation. New methods remain … Continued

Securing our democratic informational environment

The advent of participative web technologies has profoundly affected people’s behavior within the informational sphere, to the point of extreme polarization and lasting damage to the serenity of public debate. Furthermore, the exponential flow of disinformation and other content considered harmful shakes the very regime of truth within democratic societies. While public authorities around the … Continued

Navigating the AI Revolution: Shaping a Decade of Promise and Peril

AI offers boundless promise, revolutionizing healthcare, tackling climate change, and addressing global hunger. Yet, its ascent brings inherent risks, epitomized by the proliferation of deep fakes – AI-generated content eroding trust in information and threatening democracy. In this transformative decade, we must do more than cautiously navigate; we must actively shape AI’s trajectory. Across the … Continued

Emerging threats and cut-edge risks: a turning point for peace and security in cyberspace?

In recent years, some of the most rapidly developing technological innovations have come under public and political scrutiny, swinging between promises of major progress and warnings of far-reaching risks for humanity. While their lasting impact on the ICT environment makes no doubt, international questions arose about cybersecurity challenges posed by their widespread use. Governments as … Continued

Official launch of the AI Charter in Media

This session is co-organized with Reporters without Borders (RSF). AI-based technologies pose a major challenge to the integrity of information and the right to reliable, independent and pluralistic reporting. As public trust in the media continues to decline, there is an urgent need to establish universal ethical and professional standards for the use of AI … Continued