Exploring the ethics and global governance of genome editing

Thanks to significant technological advances, genome editing is becoming increasingly accessible. The healthcare applications of such innovations offer great potential for personalized medicine and the understanding of many diseases. However, genome-editing techniques also carry safety risks and raise ethical questions. While the potential benefits of genetic therapies on somatic cells could be significant, related scientific … Continued

Supporting the private sector in fragile contexts

(Session co-organized with Expertise France and Proparco). At the Paris Peace Forum, Expertise France and Proparco, as part of the AFD Group, will organise a joint side-event focusing on supporting the private sector in fragile contexts. This event is organised in the name of all the European agencies, through the three networks: Practionners’ Network, EDFI … Continued

From science to policy: how to inform decision-making on pandemic prevention, preparedness & response?

(Session co-organized with PREZODE). The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the crucial importance of science and dialogue between scientists and policymakers in providing an effective response to the crisis. If this dialogue has been decisive, it could be extended beyond crisis periods in order to inform political decision-making and improve our collective preparation for pandemics. This … Continued

Seeds of Innovation: Women as Catalysts for Agricultural Resilience

In the face of food crises and climate change, the impact on agriculture and access to food is at an increasingly critical stage. Recognizing the pivotal role of women in sustaining life on our planet, this roundtable aims to shed light on their significant contributions to agriculture and the 2030 Agenda. This session will showcase … Continued

The “Always On” agenda: creating pandemic resilient health systems

The resilience of health systems when facing pandemic threats largely depends on the pivot capacities of their routine systems, characterized by the “Always On” agenda. In the context of a rising climate where infectious disease outbreaks will happen more frequently, it is crucial to build end-to-end resilient health systems, from detection, supply chain and R&D … Continued

Their Future, Their Voice: the power of youth in tackling today’s challenges

According to the United Nations Population Fund, the world is home to 1.8 billion young people, that is, the largest generation of youth in history (UNFPA, 2019). Faced with today’s global challenges, their massive mobilization whether it be through education, technology, entrepreneurship or activism demonstrates the power they hold in raising awareness in their communities, … Continued

SDG and democracy in peril: collective strategies to safeguard information integrity

(Session co-organized with IFPIM – International Fund for Public Interest Media). Mounting threats to information integrity, including large investments in information warfare by autocratic and illiberal actors and the rise of Generative AI, are imperiling progress on the 2030 agenda. Independent media is facing an existential economic crisis, hampering its ability to combat information disorder. … Continued

Preparing for Nutrition for Growth summit in France: addressing the root causes of nutrition insecurity

(Session co-organized with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Action Contre la Faim ). After it’s 3rd edition in Tokyo, the 4th edition of the “Nutrition for Growth” Summit, soon to be hosted by France, needs to address global nutritional insecurity. To combat the root causes, stronger renewed political commitment and policies prioritizing peace, access … Continued