Addressing inequalities and accelerating SDGs

Youth on track

Youthbuild méxico, a.c.
Central America

Jóvenes con Rumbo (JcR) is a secondary and tertiary prevention for youth who are excluded from the formal labor market, who have not concluded their education cycles and are at risk of engaging in violence and crime, or in conflict with the law. JcR has an integral and intensive working model that includes life and work soft skills, cognitive behavioral therapy, technical training, academic support, personal follow-up through dedicated youth tutors, work internships and corporate mentorships. JcR increases youth’s employability skills, helps them overcome some of their main risk factors to violence and places them in jobs and/or education opportunities. JcR has served nearly 16,500 youth to date in Mexico, of which over 5,000 have participated in an intensive and integral employability program. JcR is implemented in two modalities: Youth Centers and Alternative High Schools.