AI Action Summit

#LeyOlimpI.A. – AI Digital Defender

Red Latinoamericana de Defensoras Digitales A.C. in collaboration with AuraChat.Ai

Project Summary

We've built a first-of-its-kind conversational AI platform that provides support to victims of digital violence, replicating in more than 50 different languages the 4 pillars of support managed by the #LeyOlimpia team, capturing the expertise of their lawyers, psychologists, activists, social workers, and Digital Defenders:

  1. Psycho-emotional Support: Reaffirming that it is never the victim's fault and that they are not alone.
  2. Legal Support: We promote awareness of laws like the Ley Olimpia.
  3. Digital Support: We offer cybersecurity advice and methods to safeguard evidence.
  4. Community Support: We train various community contexts to prevent, monitor, sanction, and address digital violence with a gender perspective.


Presentation of the organization

About the Founder of #LeyOlimpia:
Olimpia Coral Melo is a Mexican activist recognized as one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2021 by Time magazine and one of the 100 most powerful women in Mexico by Forbes Magazine. She achieved the creation of a law against digital gender-based violence in Mexico, Argentina, and Colombia that takes her name, the Olimpia Law.