Addressing inequalities and accelerating SDGs

Fund 4 nature regeneration

L’oréal group

Biodiversity conservation is facing a financing gap, with only 3% of climate finance going to nature conservation, when in fact nature-based solutions could account for 30% of climate solutions. The L’Oréal Fund for Nature Regeneration is designed to rethink the project investment model by pairing financial returns with measurable environmental impacts. L’Oréal is committed to sourcing its plant-based ingredients in a sustainable and responsible manner. But the group also wants to go further and contribute to repairing natural ecosystems, through its L’Oréal Fund for Nature Regeneration. A 50M euro Impact Investment fund, it will simultaneously generate positive social and environmental impacts as well as economic returns. The portfolio will include projects that support the restoration of degraded land, the regeneration of mangroves and the restoration of marine areas and forests.