Electric Vehicle Initiative (EVI)

The Electric Vehicles Initiative (EVI) is a multi-government policy forum dedicated to accelerating the introduction and adoption of electric vehicles worldwide. In 2010, EVI was one of several initiatives launched under the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM), a high-level dialogue among Energy Ministers from the world’s major economies. In 2018, EVI counts 16 member countries from … Continued

Rewilding of the Aldabra Tortoise

Our presentation will accentuate the importance of the Indian Ocean Tortoise Alliance (IOTA) mission, which is to rewild the Aldabra Giant Tortoise throughout those islands of the western Indian Ocean that have lost their giant tortoises to human caused extinction and to use these tortoises as ecosystem engineers to aid in the restoration and revitalization … Continued

Partnership for Regional Ocean Gouvernance

THE PROG: SUPPORTING THE OCEAN GOVERNANCE FOR SUSTAINABILITY A healthy Ocean is fundamental for achieving global sustainability. However, the degradation of the marine environment has far outpaced the development of the international Ocean governance frameworks. The global nature of the Ocean presents a central challenge to good governance: fish stocks, marine pollution and climate impacts … Continued

Climate Resilient Zero-Budget Natural Farming in Andhra Pradesh

Government of Andhra Pradesh (AP) has taken up the innovative climate change resilient, zero budget natural farming (ZBNF) in 2015 for 500,000 farmers to ensure farmers’ welfare, consumer welfare and most importantly, food security for present and future generations. Currently, farmers are in deep distress on account of poor soils, ever increasing cultivation costs and … Continued

Global Pact for the Environment

The Global Pact for the Environment project aims to recognize the fundamental rights and duties that guide environmental action. A preliminary draft of the treaty has been drawn up by an international network of around 100 experts, and in 2018 the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution paving the way for negotiations on the Pact. … Continued

Towards the Protection of Civilians from the Effects of Armed Conflict: Protection of Medical Care

The protection of medical care in armed conflict is one of the greatest humanitarian challenges nowadays. In a number of ongoing armed conflicts, medical workers are kidnapped, injured or killed, medical facilities and transports are bombed, shelled or looted, fighting occurs within or near medical centers and access to medical care is obstructed. The majority … Continued

Innovative Energy Solutions

Traditional energy development cannot benefit all the population in Central Asia because its climates, terrains and landscapes limit the economic growth and increasing standards of living. Here we propose different forms of deep future energy based on our own researches, and combine these technologies with the climate and geological conditions in Central Asia, including: (1) … Continued

Lutte contre le trafic de faux médicaments

Almost twice as deadly as malaria and at least twenty times more profitable than drugs, the traffic of falsified medicines is a health and economic tragedy that strikes not only the sick, but the poorest . It’s a double crime! A favorite playground for traffickers, Africa is the continent hit hardest by this revolting trade. … Continued

Eye on Earth

Eye on Earth is a global collaborative that aims to enable policy makers in all tiers of Governance, as well as individual citizens as they go about their daily lives, to consciously contribute to global Peace and Security by ensuring they understand the consequences of their choices on the happiness of others, both near and … Continued