Protecting the planet and the people

Eye on Earth

Environment Agency Abu Dhabi

Eye on Earth is a global collaborative that aims to enable policy makers in all tiers of Governance, as well as individual citizens as they go about their daily lives, to consciously contribute to global Peace and Security by ensuring they understand the consequences of their choices on the happiness of others, both near and far. Happiness depends on maintaining a balance between competing economic, social and environmental interests. A perquisite to happiness is an aware society. Sadly too many people do not have the information they need to make the right choices. Eye on Earth focuses on enabling all members of society to have an understanding of the social, economic and environmental systems and their interdependencies and therefore understand the consequences of our actions, whether they be policy makers or individuals. Raising global awareness of sustainability is a colossal task, but across the globe, in every region, innovators, engineers, scientist and educators and many other disciplines are tackling parts of the information problem. The challenge is to link and coordinate all this activity. Eye on Earth is a global and growing community of over 5,0000 experts from across the globe, facilitated by a small Abu Dhabi-based Secretariat , we use knowledge exchange webinars and physical conventions to connect those with information-related challenges to those with solutions: educators, information engineers and open data advocates to develop and share solutions.