Environmental crime amazon

If deforestation levels rise another 5% in the Amazon Basin, the planet’s largest tropical forest could experience catastrophic die-back, releasing the equivalent to a decade of global emissions. Regional efforts to end environmental crime are episodic and insufficient. In order to generate more widespread engagement with issues of environment crime, the Igarape Institute launched Ecocrime … Continued

All atlantic youth

The All-Atlantic Ocean Youth Ambassadors are a team of 23 early-career researchers and professionals from 15 countries connected to the Atlantic Ocean. The young people who comprise this diverse group are addressing the challenge of disconnect between civil society and the protection of the ocean, also known as the ‘emotional deficit’. It was agreed by … Continued

Global covenant of mayors

When cities engage in the Global Covenant of Mayors, they demonstrate their leadership, setting an example for cities all over the world to become part of the global solution to climate change. Cities that join the GCoM pledge to develop a greenhouse gas emissions inventory and assessment of climate risks, and set measurable emissions targets, … Continued

Gavi, the vaccine alliance

The Gavi Advance Market Commitment for COVID-19 Vaccines (Gavi Covax AMC) is a new financing instrument which will achieve more equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines by intervening actively in the emerging vaccine market. This means: 1. Accelerating the availability of effective vaccines. By investing early in a portfolio of vaccine candidates the risk of vaccine … Continued

Africa green bonds

Africa is at the epicenter of climate change impacts, with vulnerable communities especially at-risk. Investors seek to allay climate-driven risk; green bonds, with transparent governance and outcome tracking, are an innovative proposition for sustainable investment. We established green bond programmes in Kenya and Nigeria, aimed at catalysing the market by partnering with public and private … Continued

Dfcd landscape finance

The Dutch Fund for Climate and Development (DFCD) is a new blended finance partnership launched in 2019, that steers capital towards projects that strengthen the climate resilience of vulnerable populations and ecosystems. The fund is structured through three operationally linked facilities. The DFCD Water and Land Use Facilities are managed by CFM and FMO and … Continued

Covid-19 data platform

EMBL launched the COVID-19 data platform, together with the European Commission, European Open Science Cloud, ELIXIR and other partners. This platform allows rapid access to SARS-CoV-2 datasets in order to speed up research. The platform organises the collection of sequence data to ensure open data sharing globally. The COVID-19 Data Portal then makes this data … Continued

#team europe

#TeamEurope provides support at the global, regional and national levels to strengthen health systems in partner countries and prepare for future health crises. The EU and its Member States, financial institutions and agencies are joining forces in #TeamEurope to combat the COVID-19 pandemic through international cooperation. EUR 37 billion euros have been redirected to help … Continued

Health&care in a pandemic

EMERGENCY has experience building and operating health facilities in the midst of epidemics. When COVID hit, the organization implemented several actions to inform communities, prevent contagion and care for the most vulnerable. Our response approach focused on health systems and beyond, ensuring flexibility and tailored replicability with the capacity to involve and coordinate with multiple … Continued

Pandemic prevention in ecowas

COVID-19 has shown that addressing the threat posed by infectious disease outbreaks is a global health challenge The Regional Programme for Pandemic Prevention (RPPP), funded by the German Government and the European Union (EU, implemented by GIZ) is building the capacity within the ECOWAS region to fight such threats. Working with the Regional Centre for … Continued