Boxing Back: The Knockout Program’s Fight for Reintegration

Project Leader Interview 3 Questions with Pablo Almuli and Eunice Rendon   As the world celebrates the power of sports to inspire and unite during the Paris 2024 Olympic season, the Knockout program, one of the 2023-2024 Scale-up projects, exemplifies how boxing can drive transformative change. In this interview with Pablo Almuli and Eunice Rendon, … Continued

Terrains d’Avenir

Project presentation Terrains d’Avenir is a program run by six organizations working for inclusion through sport: Emmaüs Solidarité, Futbol Mas France, Kabubu, Ovale Citoyen, PLAY International, and Taekwondo Humanitarian Foundation. Implemented since February 2022, the project has a dual objective: to enable sustainable access to sport for displaced young people in Ile-de-France, whatever their communities … Continued

Peacemakers Project

Project presentation Peace and Sport has over 15 years of expertise in the field of peace through sport. They developed a bottom-up approach, based on identifying the challenges, best practices and needs of leading organizations. The project is a global mentoring offer to support field actors, athletes and institutions to develop programs that use sport … Continued

New Report on Sports and Global Governance

Read our new report on Sports and Global Governance The Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2024 will be an opportunity, beyond the sporting event itself, to highlight numerous themes linked to the role of sport in society, on national and international stages. Over the past few months, in consultation with experts and practitioners, the … Continued

Knockout: do not give up

2023-24 Scale-up project   Project presentation Knockout, implemented by VIRAL, the World Boxing Council and the Reconciliation Foundation is a tertiary prevention model implemented in prisons of different states of Mexico and Argentina that seeks, through the practice of boxing and emotional care, to contribute to the social reintegration of inmates. Boxing has proved to … Continued

Sports School: Empowerment of Vulnerable Girls

Project presentation The ‘Bici y Fútbol’ Sports School works annually with one hundred girls from 6 to 17 years old from Soacha, a socially and economically vulnerable municipality close to Bogotá, teaching them through sports to prevent unwanted pregnancies and sexual abuse, promoting the exercise of healthy and responsible sexuality and providing them with a … Continued

Escrime et Justice réparatrice

Project presentation The changing situation of minors in detention is one of Senegal’s greatest current challenges. They become entrenched in a chaotic trajectory, thwarting both repressive judicial decisions and conventional educational measures. Yet few initiatives are devoted to them. The Escrime et Justice réparatrice method aims to fill this gap. Co-constructed with the Penitentiary Administration … Continued

Using Circus to Overcome Inequality

Project presentation Circus Zambia is a social enterprise dedicated to empowering marginalized youth, enabling them to become catalysts for positive change. Their innovative approach harnesses the transformative power of circus sports, fostering holistic development of the body, mind, and soul through comprehensive programs focused on physical, educational, and life-skills advancement. They have already impacted the … Continued

Empate for America-Solution for Down Syndrome

Project presentation Empate supports people with Down Syndrome (DS), creating non-profit spaces and activities free of charge. Based in Córdoba, Argentina, the Foundation develops a free social franchise (FS), creating process manuals and control panels to expand the Empate model. Currently, through the FS, Empate is developed in the Argentine provinces of Tucumán, Mendoza, and … Continued

Thérapie RECRÉATION – corps et esprit

RECRÉATION therapy aims to treat women victims of trauma in conflict zones. This project was born following a meeting with Dr. Denis Mukwege in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where rape is used as a weapon of war, making women the greatest victims of these conflicts. Led by a pair of therapists, the Re-Création therapy … Continued