90 years of the International Rescue Committee (IRC): Exploring the parallel between then and now

The world is experiencing the highest number of violent conflicts since World War II. 110 million displaced people – the highest number ever recorded: a devastating consequence of natural disasters, violent conflicts, and source of high tensions on the borders of neighboring countries and the far away safe havens of Europe and North America. Civil society … Continued

The Great economic de-coupling: Globalization in need of therapy

Confronted with an increasing risk of geopolitical fragmentation, the global economy is facing its perhaps biggest test since the Second World War. Over the past decades, flows of capital, services, goods and people have radically transformed our world for better and worse and the global economy has tripled in size. Although it meant significant development … Continued

COP28: High stakes and little time to deliver on climate action

While the latest IPCC report states that the world is likely to surpass the 1.5°C threshold, increasingly frequent and devastating climate disasters worldwide call for urgent large-scale action. However, climate action is often one of many urgent priorities that must be addressed. The COP28, set to take place in Dubai a few months after the … Continued

No Nature, No Future: Tackling the biodiversity emergency

According to recent figures, wildlife populations have plunged by an average of 69% between 1970 and 2018 – one of many statistics that show biodiversity, from our forests to our oceans, is declining faster than ever before in human history. This has devastating consequences for the well-being of all living creatures on Earth. A year … Continued

Solving the joint climate transition and development conundrum through enhanced North-South cooperation

In addressing the twin urgency of climate transition and development, a stark financial reality emerges: immense funding is required for both of these urgencies, yet fiscal resources remain constrained. Countries face a dilemma, balancing environmental sustainability against poverty alleviation, without the luxury of choice. Development banks have expanded their portfolios in response, yet the scale … Continued

Bridging the Energy Divide: Global Collaboration for Inclusive Transition

While developed countries work to recalibrate their energy systems towards more renewable technologies, a quarter of the world’s population still lives without electricity. Speakers will discuss how North and South can work together, through equal partnerships and long-term collaboration to ensure a global energy transition that benefits all peoples.