AI Action Summit

OcéanIA: AI, the Ocean, and Climate Change

Inria Chile

Project Summary

OcéanIA is a pioneering project dedicated to unraveling the complexities of the global ocean symbiome through cutting-edge artificial intelligence and mathematical modeling. By leveraging vast datasets and advanced computational techniques, the project revolutionize our understanding of ocean ecosystems, climate change, and marine biodiversity.

OcéanIA is a collaborative effort involving a diverse range of institutions and experts, including: Inria, Inria Chile, CMM (U.Chile), GO-SEE CNRS , UC of Chile, Université de Nantes, Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche. Funding and implementation: Inria. Data and strategic goals: Fondation Tara Océan.
By bringing together interdisciplinary expertise and leveraging the power of AI, OcéanIA is poised to make a significant contribution to our understanding of the ocean and its vital role in sustaining life on Earth.


Presentation of the organization

Inria is the French national institute for research in digital science and technology. Its DNA is based on world- class research, technological innovation and entrepreneurial risk. Within 220 teams, more than 3,800 scientists are exploring new avenues, often in collaboration with industrial partners, to meet ambitious challenges. Inria Chile was created in 2012 and since then has developed over 200 R&D projects. It is the operator of the Franco-Chilean relationship in digital sciences and AI.