Covid-19 learning app

The spread of the novel coronavirus created enormous challenges for health workers everywhere. The volume of information and the lack of trust in sources compounded these challenges, making it difficult for an already overburdened health workforce to manage information and apply trusted evidence to practice. Faced with this, the WHO Academy team dedicated its technological … Continued


The world is interdependent. We have known it for some time. But with COVID-19, we are now experiencing it. We also know that addressing global challenges requires us to work together. New technologies ignore borders and can connect the world’s brightest minds to collaborate and accelerate research, drive innovation and enrich education. But, without access … Continued

Restore tropical peatlands

Indonesia is home to the largest area of tropical peatlands in the world. This ecosystem is one of nature’s most effective ways of removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. But when peat catches fire, it releases up to ten times more carbon than forest fires. Restoring peatlands helps mitigate the climate crisis. Indonesia’s Peatland Restoration … Continued

Sahel women’s empowerment and demographic dividend

The initiative builds a concrete regional model for investing considerably and long-term in programs that will accelerate the demographic transition through girl’s education, empowerment for women and girls, prevention of early marriages and family planning, and job creation thus allowing countries of the Sahel to benefit from the demographic dividend The interventions are structured around … Continued


WhistleblowingCorruptionCoronavirus is a friendly tool designed for any person to report acts of corruption related to the detection, handling and treatment of the COVID-19 virus, the violation or restriction of access to personal data, and governmental failures in, both, public and private hospitals. The registration of these corrupt actions gives us enough data and information … Continued

Knowledge and ai against covid

CAIAC is a comprehensive and authoritative “sense-making” platform combining collective and augmented intelligence to map and advance our common knowledge of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact. It empowers decision makers around the world to respond to the health, economic, and social implications of the pandemic in a coordinated fashion, using a dynamic knowledge graph … Continued

Swoop aero

Swoop Aero, in partnership with FTL, the UK Government Department for International Development (DFID) Malawi, and UNICEF, currently operate a multi-drone aeromedical logistics network in the Southern district of Chikwawa and Nsanje of Malawi to assist and support the Malawian Ministry of Health achieve national health targets for the residing 750,000 citizens in the area, … Continued

Space education

The night sky and the world beyond it have fascinated human-kind since ages. After a long walk from the stone age, now we are marching into the Space-age. Advancements in the space sector are growing leaps and bounds under a global spotlight. Space Science has become very interesting for today’s generation with the advancements happening … Continued

Sikkim on the organic trail

The Indian State of Sikkim considers organic farming as a means of sustainable development; one that is inclusive and can drive economic growth, employment and poverty eradication whilst maintaining the healthy functioning of the Earth’s ecosystem. Sikkim’s journey that began in the year 2003 reached a landmark milestone in 2016 when it was declared India’s … Continued

Satmed e-health platform

SATMED is an e-medicine software developed for satellite, and thus accessible everywhere on simple digital devices. It is owned by the Government of Luxemburg and aims to help healthcare providers to make better use of e-medical/health technology and services with a focus on remote and underdeveloped areas. SATMED is an operation launched in 2014 and … Continued