Regional economic recovery

To help provide financing alternative to SNGs, PT SMI has prepared a program called the “Regional Economic Recovery Program.” It is a long-term, low interest loan made possible thanks to blended finance coming from donor, national budget, and PT SMI’s own resources amounting to USD 357.14 million. It is a long-term, low interest loan provided … Continued

Sustainable health financing

Sustainable health systems require strong health financing policies. This includes exploring additional taxes and other government revenue sources for health. However, country practice shows that raising more taxes will only be effective in increasing health system performance if overall budgetary governance and health sector resource allocation tools are effective. Without strong governance structures, higher taxes … Continued

La francophonie avec elles

OVERALL AIM: To support field actions that enable women and girls in vulnerable situations – which have worsened due to the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic – to have access to economic development, education, health, citizenship and training, with a view to increasing resilience. SPECIFIC AIM OF THE FUND: – Strengthen support for women in … Continued

Baromètre du pluralisme

The World Barometer of Cultural and Religious Pluralism aims to measure the intensity of identity tensions within a society, and its ability to absorb shocks between different sets of values to preserve the common good. It is an indicator usable to prevent violent conflicts and to identify in advance threats of massacres and genocides, and … Continued

Ocean risk alliance

The Ocean Risk and Resilience Action Alliance (ORRAA) is a unique multi-stakeholder alliance generating capital to secure positive outcomes for the ocean and the communities that depend on it. Convening governments, the finance and insurance sectors, environmental organizations and stakeholders from the Global South, the alliance aims to drive $500 million of investment into marine … Continued

Community against disinfo

We build open tools, connect and promote relevant actors, and steer international governance towards proportionate and effective regulation in order to reduce vulnerabilities to information manipulation. Information manipulation (disinformation, misinformation, “fake news”…) aims at disrupting the social cohesion and electoral processes that keep democratic societies together. We thus work towards online spaces that allow freedom … Continued

Ai4water: smart irrigation

The project represents the innovative use of AI combined with satellite imaging in one of the most fundamental sectors of Egypt: Agriculture. Build a unified National Agriculture Data platform that uses AI to analyze gathered crop data to better forecast, plan the water usage in the country and improve economic returns, and provides an engagement … Continued

Pour un textile equitable

The Fairtrade certification already benefits 1.7 million vulnerable producers and workers in 1,700 producing organizations, representing 10 million direct and indirect beneficiaries in 74 developing countries. About 2,000 companies (hundreds of SMEs and some multinationals) are involved with us: based on a win-win partnership (SDG 17), the Fairtrade standards ensure sustainable, socially responsible, and reliable … Continued

Resilient farming systems

Led by Mercy Corps and funded by Agence Française de Développement, using an inclusive systems approach, PERMA is working to rehabilitate economic activities in the agriculture sector in Iraq’s Ninewa Governorate, once the agricultural heart of Iraq that was devastated by the conflict with ISIS. The programme links agriculture producers and MSMEs with access to … Continued

Fund 4 nature regeneration

Biodiversity conservation is facing a financing gap, with only 3% of climate finance going to nature conservation, when in fact nature-based solutions could account for 30% of climate solutions. The L’Oréal Fund for Nature Regeneration is designed to rethink the project investment model by pairing financial returns with measurable environmental impacts. L’Oréal is committed to … Continued