Global Coordination Platform

The Global Coordination Platform (GCP) is a secure platform that aims to create economic opportunities for IsDB’s Member Countries (MCs), helping them reach their development targets in the short, medium, and long term. The GCP is a free market system that allows registered countries to explore services offered by various providers worldwide, allowing them to … Continued

Digital Accountability Process

The initiative aims to encourage organizations to adapt and improve their internal culture and process to increase online trust and the safety of internet users. In the longer term, the Digital Accountability Process will provide independent evidence to regulators, companies, and their stakeholders about organizational progress and challenges in digital responsibility. A first accountability report … Continued

The Degrees Modelling Fund

Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) is a controversial proposal for reducing some of the impacts of climate change by reflecting a fraction of sunlight away from the Earth. Developing countries should play a central role in global efforts to understand SRM, yet most research and discussion have taken place in the world’s wealthiest nations. The Degrees … Continued

Cities Sustainable Development Index, Brazil

Launched in March 2021 by the Sustainable Cities Institute (SCI) as part of one of the Sustainable Cities Program (SCP) and in partnership with the Sustainable Development Solution Network (SDSN), the Sustainable Development Index for Brazilian Cities (SCDI-BR) is a tool to stimulate and monitor Brazilian cities with regard to the implementation of SDGs. Using … Continued

Water resilient cities

Due to climate change, extreme weather events are becoming frequent, threatening the proper functioning of cities and showing how crucial water management is to city planning. Fragmented governance of river watersheds is misaligned with the necessity to make cohesive decisions about ecological systems that extend beyond administrative borders. Our project consists of urban design solutions … Continued

Workforce Disclosure Initiative (WDI)

The Workforce Disclosure Initiative (WDI) improves the quality of jobs in multinational companies’ operations and supply chains by enhancing corporate transparency and accountability, supporting SDG 8: decent work for all. Founded in 2016 by NGO ShareAction and supported by an international investor coalition, WDI promotes disclosure of impactful metrics related to working conditions and engages … Continued

Space Situational Awareness (SSA) Capacity Building

This project aims to partner with developing space powers to deliver Space Situational Awareness (SSA) services and telescopes adapted to the surveillance of space debris. Share My Space is a French start-up that provides SSA services to space agencies, private operators, and the military. Today, space situational awareness (satellite positions, debris trajectories, collision prediction) is … Continued

The Mediterranean: a Frontier of Peace

Funded by the Italian Episcopal Conference – CEI, the project consists of a 2-year program for 11 young local leaders coming from communities characterized by situations of conflict, tension, and lack of socio-economic development in Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Lebanon, Palestine, and Syria. The project has four components: learning, training, cohabitation, and generation of impact … Continued

Pacific-EU Marine Partnership Programme

The Pacific-European Union Marine Partnership (PEUMP) program supports sound ocean and coastal governance, focusing on biodiversity protection and the sustainable use of fisheries and other marine resources. With European Union and Swedish funding, the PEUMP program focuses on gaps in fisheries science; fisheries development; coastal resources and livelihoods; illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing; ecosystem-based … Continued

Social Entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean

The project aims to promote the development of the social entrepreneurship sector as a driver for inclusive growth and job creation in the Southern Mediterranean partner countries (Morocco, Tunisia, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, and Palestine). The initiative will see the implementation of a set of complementary activities aiming at: (1) promoting country and cross-country policy and … Continued