OECD.AI Policy Observatory

AI is here now, reshaping economies and societies. Services driven by Artificial Intelligence (AI) are already a crucial part of most people’s lives and routines, whether they realise it or not. AI is rapidly permeating our economies, societies and environment, bringing tremendous opportunities but also risks. Unchecked AI can create real risks and misalignment with … Continued

Fact-checking in languages

Factchecking in languages (Chequeos en lenguas) is the first independent initiative focused on fighting the infodemic on SARS-CoV-2 and Covid-19 in order to provide reliable information for the indigenous peoples of the Andes and the Amazon. The initiative has developed and alliance of independent media outlets in 8 regions inhabited by different original populations and … Continued

B-Tech Project

The B-Tech Project is a flagship initiative designed by UN Human Rights, aiming to advance the uptake of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) in the tech industry. To create a rights-respecting level playing field, the project seeks to strengthen efforts by tech companies to apply the UNGPs and engages with … Continued

Economic Justice on Women’s Land Rights

The project targets women-led grassroots organizations, local authorities, government agencies, and men in Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda, and Zimbabwe to achieve equality in land ownership and control between men and women. Women constitute between 42-88% of the agricultural labor force yet remain excluded from owning and controlling the land they work. Ntengwe and its four partner … Continued

Adaptation to climate change locally

Central Asian countries are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, yet there is a distinct lack of both information and action at a local level. Local populations, farmers, SMEs, youth, and woman urgently require information as to how to best prepare for such impacts, especially in water, energy and food production sectors closely … Continued

Global Cities Fund for Migrants and Refugees

The Global Cities Fund for Migrants and Refugees (GCF) is the MMC’s response to the unmet needs of cities as they support migrants, refugees, and IDPs in the face of pressing challenges, from global pandemics to the climate crisis. By directly funding cities to implement inclusive programs of their own design, the GCF builds fiscal … Continued

Addressing Violence & Normalizing Equality

While many local women’s organizations shut down amid the pandemic, others, including many in armed conflict contexts, developed innovative strategies to address increased domestic violence (DV) and rising authoritarianism. This project collates these strategies and develops new technology to provide struggling grassroots women’s organizations in 55 countries with new programming to adapt DV policies to … Continued

Thérapie RECRÉATION – corps et esprit

RECRÉATION therapy aims to treat women victims of trauma in conflict zones. This project was born following a meeting with Dr. Denis Mukwege in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where rape is used as a weapon of war, making women the greatest victims of these conflicts. Led by a pair of therapists, the Re-Création therapy … Continued

Dispositif Devoirs à la Maison lié au COVID-19

During the first national lockdown, the French government decided to close schools, all while ensuring educational continuity for all children online. The French Minister of Education asked the President of La Poste Group to help teachers maintain the connection with the 12% of students without a home internet connection, offering these students a free means … Continued

Work4Progress, Innovation for promoting jobs

The Work4Progress (W4P) program aims to encourage innovation and quality employment for vulnerable women and young people, moving beyond traditional approaches, limited to isolated projects, into platforms formed by civil society organizations, universities, private sector, and public stakeholders. It is implemented in India, Mozambique, and Peru. The main innovations include community listening tools; co-creation, prototyping … Continued