Justice for Victims in Ukraine: From evidence to accountability

In the face of ongoing conflict, Justice for Victims in Ukraine, one of the 2023-2024 Scale-up projects, stands at the forefront of documenting violations of international criminal and human rights law. Utilizing the innovative I-DOC tool, a digital system for analyzing evidence of war crimes and human rights violations in collaboration with local and international partners. The … Continued

Traditional knowledge and global impact

Indigenous peoples possess valuable traditional knowledge that needs to be protected. To date, Peru has only registered knowledge corresponding to less than 1% of the communities. At SPDA we seek to reduce this gap and strengthen the promotion of authorized use of traditional knowledge associated with biodiversity both at a global and national level. A … Continued

Mexico-Indigenous Rights Observatory

Our project called “Mexico-Indigenous Rights Observatory” develops actions focused on contributing to the protection and fulfillment of the rights of 11 indigenous peoples of Mexico, the most historically disadvantaged social group in our country. Through this Observatory, we strive to have a long-term impact on the 68 indigenous peoples of Mexico, contributing to the exercise … Continued

Open Data for Indigenous and Ethnic Minority

This project is crucial for indigenous and ethnic minority (IEM) communities to have better access to the data and information for exercising their rights to self-determination and self-governance. Storytelling with data enables communities to protect their collective interests and to engage in decision-making processes while raising public awareness. This project aims to expand the initiative … Continued

Kiwe Thegnas: Guardians of the territory

The Kiwe Thegnas, represent the movement of Indigenous men, women and children who, traditionally and historically, constitute a mechanism of care and protection of the organizational process of the Indigenous movement, under the tenets of Indigenous autonomy and self-government. We, Nasa, count on 500 years of experience in protecting our ancestral territory from outside threats. … Continued

B-Tech Project

The B-Tech Project is a flagship initiative designed by UN Human Rights, aiming to advance the uptake of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) in the tech industry. To create a rights-respecting level playing field, the project seeks to strengthen efforts by tech companies to apply the UNGPs and engages with … Continued

Civic Space Guardian

The project consists of creating a web tool to alert and provide information on proposed laws or policies likely to impact civic space in Latin America. This would lend a crucial, rich digital presence to our current newsletter on the same theme, circulated fortnightly via email, thus broadening the product’s offer and beneficiaries substantially. Events … Continued

Coordinated Response & Local Action: Covid-19

This project assists civil society organizations (CSO) in responding to the pandemic’s impacts on their work and on wider civil society, highlighting and supporting country-specific challenges, and sharing best practices. To do so, the initiative consults various CSO partners to identify the key impacts of the pandemic in their contexts, such as widening gaps in … Continued

The Civic Space Initiative

The project is a collaborative effort to protect and expand freedoms of assembly, association, and expression so citizens can influence leaders and hold them accountable. An open civic space is essential for accountability to human rights standards, development and inclusive decision making. As the global context shifts, the project has shifted to take address the … Continued

Public Art to Promote – Protect Human Rights

Human Rights Defenders in South Asia are not working together to protect and promote themselves and their work and to build a shared future for the region. The growing generation of young human rights defenders in this geography lack the means to connect, collaborate and share experiences. The aim of this project is to bridge … Continued