Cultural Corridors of Peace

Cultural Corridors of Peace uses the memory of Bedouin nomadic routes to forge cultural pathways to peace and post-conflict collaboration across the MENA region. They hope that it will inspire others to build and revive relations through culture. The project provides Bedouin people with culturally-appropriate means to sustain their heritage and use it to improve … Continued

Open Data for Indigenous and Ethnic Minority

This project is crucial for indigenous and ethnic minority (IEM) communities to have better access to the data and information for exercising their rights to self-determination and self-governance. Storytelling with data enables communities to protect their collective interests and to engage in decision-making processes while raising public awareness. This project aims to expand the initiative … Continued

The Mediterranean: a Frontier of Peace

Funded by the Italian Episcopal Conference – CEI, the project consists of a 2-year program for 11 young local leaders coming from communities characterized by situations of conflict, tension, and lack of socio-economic development in Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Lebanon, Palestine, and Syria. The project has four components: learning, training, cohabitation, and generation of impact … Continued

Reset dialogues

ResetDOC, an international association born in 2004, and Reset Dialogues, its sister US-based organization, join forces to generate innovative, multi-faceted insights by bringing together the best minds from different countries, cultures and disciplines. Our focus is on the issues generating conflict in the relationship between different cultures and religions, and the ways to avoid it … Continued

Baromètre du pluralisme

The World Barometer of Cultural and Religious Pluralism aims to measure the intensity of identity tensions within a society, and its ability to absorb shocks between different sets of values to preserve the common good. It is an indicator usable to prevent violent conflicts and to identify in advance threats of massacres and genocides, and … Continued

National plan of music

The PNMC (National Plan of Music for the Coexistence) is a project developed from 2003 with the formulation of a cultural policy. In 2014, it was consolidated as a law that marked the route for strengthening musical formation and collective practices. This plan presents a vital tool for municipalities PEDET, which is the denomination given … Continued

Tourisme en temps de paix

Tourisme en temps de paix trains and empowers young marginalized Colombians who were victims of armed conflicts (farmers, indigenous fighters, former soldiers, internally displaced persons) to become tour operators. The project contributes to post-conflict peacebuilding, rehabilitation, and reconciliation processes within the community, while strengthening the tourism sector in Colombia.

Radio Al Salam

Radio Al-Salam 94.3 FM is a local radio station led by and dedicated to internally displaced persons, refugees and returnees, in the North of Iraq. Founded in March 2015, the station broadcasts in Erbil, Dohuk and Nineveh governorates, on its website and via its smartphone application. 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, in … Continued


Bienalsur, is a socially responsible project, which considers culture as a human right. It focuses on art and culture with the aim of promoting integration. Incubated in Argentina, the biennale seeks to create a global network of institutional associative collaboration that removes distances and borders and claims uniqueness in diversity. Unique by its methodology, BIENALSUR … Continued

Transcultura-Cuba/ Caribbean Culture Programme

Transculture aims to build bridges across the peoples and cultures in the region and with the European Union. In particular, targeting youth from all the linguistic areas of the Caribbean region, the programme will improve skills and expand opportunities of cultural professionals through people-to-people exchanges and knowledge transfer between Cuba, the region and the EU. … Continued