The 2023 Forum
Seeking Common Ground in a World of Rivalry
For the sixth year in a row, the Paris Peace Forum brought together key players in global governance on November 10-11 at the Palais Brongniart. The aim of the 2023 Forum was to “Seek Common Ground in a World of Rivalry”, against a backdrop of global polarization (most notably between China and the United States) jeopardizing international cooperation on issues vital to humanity – all in an environment marked by the eruption of conflict in the Middle East.
This year's theme
Seeking Common Ground in a World of Rivalry
In a world dominated by a rising US-China rivalry, it is as urgent as ever to find common ground on the governance of global commons and global public goods in domains like climate change, outer space or critical minerals. Facilitating dialogue, creating action-oriented coalitions and defining norms or pre-norms is our way to deliver efficient responses to the urgent challenges of our time.
2023 Priorities
Nature loss has far-reaching consequences. Damages of ecosystems exacerbate climate change, undermine food security and put people and communities at risk. We are using the equivalent of 1.7 Earths to maintain our current way of life (Global Footprint Network, 2022) and ecosystems cannot keep up with our demands. Ahead of the COP28, the Forum will bring forward solutions to steer global cooperation towards a greener and more sustainable path.
From the Earth poles to outer space, the Paris Peace Forum will bring forward solutions to make the global governance of new frontiers clean and sustainable.
More than 5 billion people of the earth’s 8 billion use the Internet worldwide, or roughly 66% of the world’s population (ITU, 2022). However, with amazing opportunities brought by the digital world come serious risks and inequalities such as child sexual exploitation online or harmful content. The emerging AI technology could reshape the global economy and improve the health of millions of people but is also linked to major risks. Action is needed to tackle those safety challenges and to make the digital world a safe and secured space for all.
2023 marks the mid-point in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals but just 12% of the SDG goal targets are on track, 50% are moderately or severely off track and 30% have either seen no movement or regressed below the 2015 baseline (SDG Progress Report, 2023). Faced with this situation, the Paris Peace Forum will boost development initiatives to build more equal and inclusive societies.
The speakers
A multi-actor event
The 2023 Paris Peace Forum will convene representatives from states, international organizations, businesses, development banks to foundations and NGOs and more from around the world.
with the participation of:

Jacinda Ardern
Former Prime Minister of New Zealand

Emmanuel Macron
President of the French Republic

Dr. Jane Goodall
Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute & UN Messenger of Peace

Comfort Ero
President & CEO of the International Crisis Group

Nana Akufo-Addo
President of the Republic of Ghana

Charles Michel
President of the European Council

Louise Mushikiwabo
Secretary General of the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie

Shunichi Miyanaga
Chairman of the Board of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

Brad Smith
Vice-Chair and President of Microsoft

Mia Mottley
Prime Minister, Barbados

Chen Qiufan
Science fiction writer, columnist, and scriptwriter

Maria Ressa
CEO, Rappler; 2021 Nobel Peace Prize laureate

Henry Wang
Founder and President of the Center for China and Globalization

Sarah Wayne Callies
Actress and Ambassador, International Rescue Committee (IRC)

Razan Al Mubarak
President, International Union for Conservation of Nature; UN Climate Change High-Level Champion
The projects
Projects showcased at the Forum's 6th edition
This year, the Space for Solutions will showcase 60 projects and initiatives tackling the issues at the heart of the sixth edition. All of them will enjoy a dedicated space within the event venue, and a chance to take the floor to speak about their work and/or share their views on the issue in global governance that they are addressing.

Useful information
The 6th edition will once again be held at the Palais Brongniart, an emblematic and prestigious place in the heart of Paris.
Palais Brongniart
16 Pl. de la Bourse
75002 Paris