Embedding the SDGs at the core of business: from following to leading

From large multinational corporations to small and medium-sized enterprises, the commitment of the business community is essential for the achievement of th eSDGs. In a collective effort to build back better from the global pandemic and to overcome the triple planetary crisis, it has become critical for businesses to incorporate sustainability practices into their operations … Continued

Shaping our Shared Future: Inspiring Solutions from Around the World

In a world marked by rivalry and polarization, the need for finding common ground and innovative solutions has never been more crucial. Join us in this session where remarkable projects from across the globe will take center stage. From environmental sustainability and cultural heritage protection to shaping a safer and ethical digital world, these initiatives … Continued

Freedom of media in conflict zones : Intergenerational Reflections on Access and Safety in Conflict Zones

(Session co-organized with the European Commission’s Service for Foreign Policy Instruments). This discussion will address the access for media in conflict zones, the targeting of journalists, media bans, and the influence of media on shaping narratives and international perception.  In a world where journalists are increasingly targeted and restricted, how do war correspondents maintain their … Continued

A world order with Chinese characteristics?

As the existing international liberal, rules-based order created in the aftermath of World War II is fraying under the pressure of unsolved crises and conflicts and empowered new actors, questions arise. How to reshape a new functioning order, who will design it, and will it gain broad buy-in and respect? In this debate, China has … Continued

Reshaping finance and investing in children for sustainable development

Developing countries are entangled in overlapping crises — climate change, unsustainable debt, and limited fiscal space — that hinder their ability to address critical immediate development priorities and long-term climate goals. While calls to reform the international financial architecture have intensified, the funding unlocked is falling way short of the trillions necessary to meet the … Continued

Tackling global malnutrition: what are the priorities?

Through a series of meetings, an Independent Expert Panel on Nutrition convened by the Paris Peace Forum had the opportunity to examine and identify the most relevant actions to improve nutrition in all its various aspects. By mobilizing relevant actors for the upcoming Nutrition for Growth (N4G) Summit in Paris in March 2025, this session … Continued

On the Road to COP 29: Making African Agriculture a Central Topic in Climate Talks

Historically, agriculture has been underrepresented in COP dialogues despite its significant impact on and vulnerability to climate change. At COP28, a major breakthrough occurred with the COP28 UAE Declaration on Sustainable Agriculture, Resilient Food Systems, and Climate Action, where 160 countries committed to prioritizing agriculture in future climate talks. The panel aims to spotlight the … Continued

AI Governance – what is needed? From public infrastructure to democratic governance

Artificial Intelligence (AI) potential knows no bounds, promising transformative solutions to some of humanity’s most pressing challenges. However, like any cutting-edge and disruptive technology, its inherent risks require great vigilance to ensure its power is harnessed responsibly. In this session, we will delve into the intricacies of AI governance, examining how collective efforts can help … Continued

Insights on Cooperation in rivalry: The Challenge of Climate Change

In a world of increasing polarization and competition, it has never been more urgent for the international community to find collaborative solutions to shared challenges and on the governance of global commons. Among these challenges, one of the most urgent and critical issues we face today is climate change. The world is witnessing an alarming … Continued