Solving the joint climate transition and development conundrum through enhanced North-South cooperation

In addressing the twin urgency of climate transition and development, a stark financial reality emerges: immense funding is required for both of these urgencies, yet fiscal resources remain constrained. Countries face a dilemma, balancing environmental sustainability against poverty alleviation, without the luxury of choice. Development banks have expanded their portfolios in response, yet the scale … Continued

Bridging the Energy Divide: Global Collaboration for Inclusive Transition

While developed countries work to recalibrate their energy systems towards more renewable technologies, a quarter of the world’s population still lives without electricity. Speakers will discuss how North and South can work together, through equal partnerships and long-term collaboration to ensure a global energy transition that benefits all peoples.

Promoting fair agricultural transitions in Africa

To feed the growing population on the African continent, agricultural production will have to increase significantly. Today, many believe that this agricultural revolution can only be achieved at the expense of the climate and biodiversity: a choice would have to be made between feeding and protecting the planet. However, solutions do exist, and it is … Continued

Leveraging the power of science in global health

The voice of scientists is not always adequately represented in multilateral discussions on global health. Yet scientists are at the heart of the debates and issues, whether on pandemic preparedness or cross-cutting topics such as the intersection of health and climate. This conversation will present a variety of perspectives on the role of scientists in … Continued

From Extractivism to Empowerment: Navigating the Global Shift to Renewable Energies

As we transition from an oil and gas-powered world to renewable energies, the demand for minerals crucial to the manufacturing of windmills, solar panels and electric batteries is projected to increase four-fold. This session will explore how this new paradigm could bring about a new industrialization and alternative models of development for producer countries…if environmental … Continued