South-North Dialogue to help achieve SDG 2 and 13 in Africa: An Agricultural Revolution for Sustainable Food Security

The Covid-19 epidemic and the war in Ukraine have exacerbated structural trends: food insecurity is set to increase due to rising demographics and declining crop yields caused by climate change. The challenge of the century will be to produce more while decarbonizing. Faced with this situation, Africa has immense agricultural potential. It can feed its … Continued

Exploring the ethics and global governance of genome editing

Thanks to significant technological advances, genome editing is becoming increasingly accessible. The healthcare applications of such innovations offer great potential for personalized medicine and the understanding of many diseases. However, genome-editing techniques also carry safety risks and raise ethical questions. While the potential benefits of genetic therapies on somatic cells could be significant, related scientific … Continued

Safeguarding the Trees of Life: Uniting Climate and Biodiversity Agendas

Join this roundtable to explore the paramount role of forests in achieving climate and biodiversity goals and their alignment with the COP15 roadmap. With a rich diversity of landscapes such as the Chinese bamboo forests, Mexico’s iconic Chapultepec, the vast Amazon rainforest, the Sahel acacia savannas or the Brazilian caatinga and mangroves, forests are key … Continued