2024-25 Scale-up project
Presentation of the project
The majority of planet Earth’s surface is covered in ocean, yet about only one-quarter of the seabed has been mapped to a resolution comparable to a single depth measurement within the area of a football field. The Mapping for People and Planet project aims to increase access to seabed maps to enable governments and regions to plan appropriate coastal activities, understand risks of geohazards such as tsunamis, and build more accurate digital models of the ocean for storm surge and climate prediction.
With increasing global reliance on marine resources and commerce, the project aims to enable coastal states, particularly small islands and developing states, to maximize the benefits derived from being next to the ocean and to reduce the risks of rising sea levels and melting ice sheets.
Presentation of the organization
In 2017, the Nippon Foundation and General Bathymetry Chart of the Ocean (GEBCO) launched the ambitious Seabed 2030 Project to explore how ocean mapping supports the Sustainable Development Goals.
Through Seabed 2030, the two organizations have committed to building the necessary technical, scientific, and management frameworks to compile all available seabed mapping information into a seamless digital map of the world’s ocean floor by 2030.