The project was set up to produce and popularize a manual to provide best practices in establishment and management of National Mechanisms (NMs) that strengthen atrocity prevention. The manual was developed with support from The Global Action Against Mass Atrocity Crimes (GAAMAC) is to be used by states seeking to establish National Mechanisms, and by existing NMs already implementing prevention initiatives to: i. Leverage local lessons and best practices drawn from everyday practices of NMs to improve their establishment, and management. ii. Institutionalize shared know-how to improve implementation and adaptation of approaches to atrocity prevention to emerging and complex conflict situations. iii. Have a framework of reference to support and facilitate learning and training to build capacity for atrocity prevention Currently the project is in the second phase which is aimed at popularizing the manual and making it a ‘living document’ that’s applied in the day to day practices of NMs within Africa and beyond. The manual was unveiled and validated at the recently concluded GAMAAC III Conference that was held in Kampala, Uganda in May 2018. It is now being launched in various cities across Africa. The Paris Peace Forum presents a unique opportunity to popularize and share the manual to a wider audience outside Africa.