The ongoing conflict and resulting instability across Yemen have exacerbated pre-existing challenges to the rule of law and the administration of justice, of which citizens bear the brunt. All parties to the conflict have undermined the rule of law. This has led many citizens to believe in primitive ways to assert their violated rights. Due to the nature of the conflict and the proliferation of armed groups, there has been a wave of arbitrary detentions, disappearances, and torture. The project contributes to the promotion of the rule of law by providing legal support to victims of arbitrary detention, enforced disappearance, torture, and fault in procedures, through the Legal Support Unit – 55% of whom are female – and by conducting a field-based study that analyzes and evaluates the state of the rule of law in Yemen.
Mwatana is an independent Yemeni organization established in 2007 advocating for human rights. Mwatana documents and participates with other partners in advocacy campaigns against violations of human rights committed in various parts of Yemen.
Mwatana provided legal support to around 2,959 individuals and contributed to the release of around 1,233.