Addressing inequalities and accelerating SDGs
Crafting peace and building a safer world

Community & Livelihood support in Afghanistan

Uplift Afghanistan Fund (UAF) & Community-Driven DeVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION (CDDO)
South Asia

Our objective is to support the most vulnerable Afghans, most notably women, girls, poor households, people with disabilities and other marginalized communities, especially as they are going through severe economic, social and political crisis in these times of duress. Our project's approach is straightforward and effective: we work with CDDO, a reputable national NGO consisting of highly skilled Afghan professionals that possess decades of proven experience in large-scale national development programming with the World Bank and the United Nations. Through CDDO, UAF works with the still functioning, non-governmental community structures across all of Afghanistan that are best positioned to monitor accountable aid initiatives in an uncertain environment and select beneficiaries with equity and based on highest needs.