Addressing inequalities and accelerating SDGs
Protecting the planet and the people

Adaptive Climate Change Methodologies for Rural Communities in the Niger Delta

Media awareness and justice initiative (MAJ)

The project will use participatory and interactive models to build the capacity of 120 women from 3 rural communities, across three core Niger Delta states on sustainable forms of energy use for food production and economic empowerment. The project will proceed to set up three (3) “Low Cost” solar-powered cassava processing and fish smoking sheds; these are aimed at sustainably reducing the cost of food processing, and greatly thereby increase the economic wellbeing of women living in the target communities. The project will also introduce the rural women to the use of “Efficient Cook Stoves” and “solar lamp systems”. This will reduce the amount of wood needed for cooking and lighting, consequently reducing carbon emission from cooking and lightening. In partnership with clean energy groups and women organizations, the project will implement entrepreneurial trainings for women, school girls and young boys from the target communities. To increase knowledge spread and visibility, the project will open up radio talk shows and awareness building initiatives (using generally used local language “Creole”- Pidgin English) across the (3) three target states to educate and further sensitize rural women and secondary schools on sustainable forms of low cost energy generation for economic growth. The project will carry out policy advocacy visits and with government will be targeted, this is aimed at ensuring collaboration, expansion and sustainability of the initiative.