Peace and Security

Development of a dedicated humanitarian construction contract to de-risk infratrucure project in fragile contexts

IHIP - International Humanitarian Infrastructure Platform

Post-emergency situations keep expanding in 2019 because of regional resources and climate instability, creating displaced population in many countries. Too often, no ‘back to normal’ solutions are available. New mechanisms to address long-term demand in local infrastructure drives the collaboration between international humanitarian and development actors. The traditional humanitarian sector is not equipped to manage complex infrastructure projects and should benefit from the knowledge and experience of the private sector. An efficient new working environment between NGOs and local consulting firms must be setup to address the change in the size of infrastructure to be designed and the need to develop in-country capacities. This shift in procurement mechanisms would transform what is today considered as a humanitarian cost into a development investment, turning off-track projects into successful assets. The IHIP initiative implements a platform-based network of qualified actors and resources for successful infrastructure project development in post-emergency contexts. IHIP is addressing the need of humanitarian driven NGO to engage with the private sector in larger and complex infrastructure projects designed to help those displaced population and the hosting communities. The primary focus is to harmonize private sector approaches to be applied in those countries subject to fragility, conflict and violence, mainly through the form of contract for construction.