People for nature

The project enables independent local NGOs and activists to contribute to environmental protection. The project offers training and experts’ support on scientific, practical, administrative and legal issues and provides a platform for building synergies among actors. To achieve this goal, the project develops free online tools, training and grant programs for local NGOs. During the … Continued

Eces electoral projects in ethiopia

The European Response to Electoral Cycle Support in Ethiopia (EURECS Ethiopia) is a 16.55M EURO project funded by the EU under the European Development Fund and by the German state-owned development bank KFW, on behalf of the German government. EURECS Ethiopia is implemented in synergy with the Prevention, mitigation and management of election-related conflicts and … Continued

Under the mask: a free society

Human and civil rights are under assault, as are fundamental values of equality, pluralism and democracy that underpin them. Civic space continues to shrink. Activists on the frontline against authoritarianism are subject to harassment while peacebuilding and humanitarian services are stifled through government restrictions in the name of “counter-terrorism”. Since the COVID-19 crisis began, governments … Continued

United for water quality

We are a network of civil society organizations and key actors contributing to the achievement of UN Sustainable Development Goal 6 “Clean water and sanitation”. Its purpose is to increase participation, interaction and communication among the different actors involved in wáter management and quality, improving the organizational and advocacy capacities of CSOs working on environmental … Continued

Clean Games

The Clean Games are team competitions around the collection and sorting of litter in natural environments. Participants are divided into teams from 2 to 4 people and compete for 1-2 hours, trying to collect as much litter as possible. Each type of garbage collected is awarded a different amount of points depending on the category: … Continued

Dialogue civil en période critique

Project Name: Civil Dialogue in Critical Times The Organization: The initiative presented by the MGIMO-University as part of the “Peace & Security” section of the Forum. Project leader: Artem Malguine, vice-director of MGIMO-University – Concept: The dialogue of civil societies in critical situations is a mechanism used to maintain a minimum/sufficient level of communication between … Continued


Naua is an online platform for social impact that aims to promote a culture of giving. Our core belief is that measuring and reporting social impact within a common framework will enable individuals, companies and CSOs to work together in more effective ways to address the needs of our communities. Naua works as a trusted … Continued

University of the Civil Initiatives Committee

The University CIC is in progress since 2015. Mission: · Promote the advanced knowledge on democracy & civil society · Stimulate grass-root initiatives · Informational support for civic leaders of the generation next The University promotes online and offline federal & regional activities. The audience up-to-the-date exceeds 150 000 participants – representatives of local governments; … Continued

A.C.T. project

THE A.C.T. PROJECT BY EARTH5R Earth5R, a social enterprise from Mumbai, India, promotes and implements A.C.T., a sustainability project that transforms conventional methods of conservation of the environment by putting citizens and the marginalised communities at the centre of the social change and development process. It works towards mobilizing and strengthening the collective action of … Continued