National Financing Vehicles: Increasing the flow of climate finance

The central challenge to financing the green growth transformation in developing countries is to develop bankable projects or commercially attractive investment opportunities. The initiative aims to develop and design these projects for bankability through deep financial and structuring expertise and sectoral expertise.

Climate Diplomacy: Supporting LDC’s in climate negotiations

The Least Developed Countries (LDCs) are 47 countries that are most economically and environmentally vulnerable to climate change. Together, their voice in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) negotiations is critical to ensure that their realities are reflected in the final outcomes. The Climate Diplomacy project provides the LDC group with technical … Continued

Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework

#BiodiversityNeedsYouTH supports young leaders in the upcoming negotiations of COP15 at the Convention on Biological Diversity in Kunming, China (October 2020), and beyond. As a growing voice for Planet Earth, youth challenges decision-makers on intergenerational equity, the links between biodiversity and sustainable development, peace, climate, food security, health, sustainable production and consumption. Our campaign offers … Continued

International Urban Cooperation (IUC) Asia

The IUC-Asia program boosts international urban cooperation between EU and Asia cities to find solutions to common problems. The program is part of a long-term EU strategy to foster sustainable urban development among public and private sectors, research institutions, and citizens. It provides an opportunity for cities to learn from each other, set ambitious targets … Continued

Crimario: routes maritimes critiques en Océan Indien

The Indian Ocean (IO), the world’s third largest ocean, carries around 70% of all oil shipments. Despite a decrease in piracy in the region, continued efforts are needed strictly to contain piracy whilst addressing other forms of transnational organized crimes in the maritime domain. Overcoming cross-border issues at sea requires regional cooperation and interagency coordination. … Continued

EUMINT (Euroregions, Migration and Integration)

The EUMINT project strengthens institutional cross-border cooperation between Italy and Austria in the territories of Südtirol-Alto Adige, Tirol, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Kärnten, Veneto and Trentino in order to tackle the social, economic, political and cultural challenges connected to migration. The project focuses on three dimensions of the integration of asylum seekers and refugees: Cross-border integration, … Continued

XtraPay – A Thank you to the Farmer

Through globalization, supply chains have become more complex and consumers are increasingly interested in the origin of products. XtraPay aims to make value chains more transparent, reduce social inequality and make mobile money – and thus financial inclusion – accessible to farm workers in the Global South. Specifically, XtraPay is a voluntary bonus payment system … Continued

Lucid Waters and Lush Mountains are Invaluable Assets

Bearing the concept that “Lucid Waters and Lush Mountains are Invaluable Assets” in mind, efforts have been made to address issues of pollutions by deepening the construction of ecological civilization. In this regard, the Chinese government has adopted series of measures that have positive effect, including establishing China National Committee for Biodiversity Conservation and China … Continued

Climate change in the Eastern Himalayas: community-based traditional ecological knowledge to support biodiversity conservation

In recent years, climate change and its impacts on biodiversity have become more and more obvious in the Himalayan region. This project aims to develop a community-based biodiversity conservation plan based on the traditional ecological knowledge in the Eastern Tibetan Himalayas of North-West Yunnan Province (China) in order to assist in effectively and sustainably responding … Continued