19 June 2024

The largest study on responsible AI is out

The 1st edition of the Global Index On Responsible AI has been launched, assessing 138 countries against 57 indicators. Their mission: to provide a comprehensive understanding of how nations are addressing the ethical, social, and regulatory challenges posed by AI technologies.

The Index highlights global trends and gaps in responsible AI, serving as a critical tool for policymakers, researchers, and stakeholders to understand the current landscape and drive improvements. With human rights-based benchmarks, 138 countries were assessed, including 41 from Africa, through first-hand data collection. This initiative addresses major data gaps, especially in Africa, South and Central America, Asia, the Middle East, and the Caribbean.

The Paris Peace Forum recognized early the potential of the Global Index On Responsible AI by awarding the project the PPF Scale Up Award in 2022. Because we believe this work is essential, our Director General Justin Vaïsse wrote the foreword of the report:

"As we navigate the complexities of AI governance, the Global Index on Responsible AI reminds us of the long road ahead. It calls on powerful nations to leverage their influence for greater cooperation and on all countries to adopt comprehensive, enforceable frameworks that prioritize human-centric and rights-based approaches to AI. The Paris AI Action Summit, due to take place in February 2025, and to which the Paris Peace Forum will contribute substantively, will take these objectives to heart."

Read the report